Homemade Heating Pad

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Your POV:

You and Five are cuddling on his couch. He's spooning you, and you're on your phone, ailing because of your cramps

Five had noticed that you've been quiet, but didn't question it since he knew you were on your period. But he didn't know just how much pain you were in (feel free to tell me about your worst period stories)

You were wincing in pain but Five couldn't see because he was behind you. But you perked up, turning to him

"Are you okay?" Five asks

You turn onto your back, pulling the blanket up
"Lay on me" You say with a soft smile

"Okay?" Five laughs, moving in between your legs, positioning himself on your chest and stomach

You smile, having easy access to stroke his hair. Five cuddles up to your chest, and you feel his warm body heat on your lower stomach, making your cramps slowly fade away

"This feels nice" You smile

"If you wanted a heating pad, I could've just asked Allison if she had one" Five sits up, pointing behind him

"No its okay" You pull him back to lay down "I like this one"

Five smiles, cuddling back up to your chest

Hey cock suckers!! (That was aggressive, but hi!)

Ayo but y'all should leave some requests or whatever 🙃. I wanna start writing again, so yeah :)

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