Facetime- Five

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Me and y/f/n are doing the 24 hour challenge on facetime, and we're at 17 hours already. We've pretty much been on Netflix Party, playing Roblox, going on Tik Tok, and spilling tea. Yeah, quarantine is pretty boring

Your POV:
I had just got out of the bath, that was very calming and relaxing. Something I really needed in a time like this with the whole craziness of the CoRonA ViRuS. Y/f/n was taking a nap (still on the phone), so I took the time to care for myself

Letting the water drain from the tub, I walk out of the bathroom, steam immediately filling into the hallway, smelling of lavender flower petals. I had tied my hair up, and washed my face, having a self care hour to myself

~Time skip~

Settling onto my bed still in only a robe, I sit with my legs crossed. Y/f/n had woken up, so we were actually having a conversation. Y/f/n said something a few minutes ago, and we'd been laughing about for the past 3 minutes

Then all of a sudden, Five bursts into my room. I jump up and watch as he casually strolls over to me. I quickly mute and pause myself
"Five what the fuck are you doing here!?" I yell at him

"Your mom let me in" he smiles innocently

"My mom isn't even here, Five" I roll my eyes and stand on my knees where he tries to kiss me but I deny him "what are you doing here?"

"Y/n? What happened?" Y/f/n calls

"On the phone, I see" Five puts his hands behind his back with the smuggest smile, watching me sit back down and unmute the call

"Y/f/n I gotta go, I uh" I try to make up an excuse, looking at Five

"What?! No! We're almost to 24 hours" she argues

"I know but Five is here and-" I start, but Five spacial jumps behind me, roughly placing his hand over my mouth

"What?" y/f/n calls again

"Do not end the call" Five whispers into my ear very lowly "Go about your conversation as usual, and don't worry about what I'm doing"

So I'm being held captive now, that's what we're doing?

He lets go of me, and I grab my phone, taking y/f/n off of paused. I sit on my bed, trying my best to ignore Five who had started pacing around my room, admiring my many "Umbrella Academy" figurines on my desk

He held the one up that was labeled 'Five', and motioned to me. I stifle a laugh, looking over to him

"Y/n is someone in the room with you?" y/f/n asks and I turn my focus back towards her

"No, why?"

"What are you laughing at then? Oh my god is Five there with you?!"

"No, I wish" I fake a pout, looking at Five who was smiling at me

"Ha! I remember the time you snuck him into your room and almost got caught"

"That was soo close!" I laugh along with her then try to change the subject "So did you start your schoolwork yet?"

"Umm no. And I'm probably not going to start it anytime soon because it's not due until Sunday"

"See that's the best part about this whole online school thing. If we were still in school, we would have to turn the work in the next day, but now we have until the end of the week" I explain and Y/f/n nods in agreement

"But I guess I should get started on it now seeing as I'm gonna procrastinate it every other day of the week"

"I second that" I giggle, seeing Five peripherally walk next to me

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora