Breaking Quarantine

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Very steamy but technically no real smut

Your POV:

"What the actual fuck" I scream "we literally are never going to use this in the real world"

"You don't know that" y/f/n tries to cheer me up "I mean unless you become a math teacher. Maybe a scientist, an engineer, um, a carpenter, and-"

"Ok ok I get your point" I cut her off "but what I'm saying is that I will never use it. I mean I'm an actor, definitely not a scientist"

"What if you get a role as a scientist" she teases

"What if you shut up" I snap

"You're so bitchy" she jokes

"You're so slutty" I fire back

"Only for you babe"
(@sunsvct BeaUwU 😏😉)

"Of course baby" I giggle "alright I'll see you on the zoom call"

"Byeeee whore"

-End of call-

As soon as I hang up, I get on my computer, and wait to connect to the class zoom call. I grab my notebook and pen, preparing to take a shit ton of notes

Once I connect, I see my friends, and my boyfriend. He's got his hair messily fallen across his face, and he's wearing his signature button down shirt

We smile at each other, then our friends along with some random kids, start talking
"So Y/n how's quarantine going for you"

"Actually, I'm doing just fine. I've got entertainment, food, and my bed" I smile, falling back onto my giant bed

"Your room is so big!"

"Yep. We've got a Tv mounted on the wall, a vanity set over here, a mirror over there, my bathroom over yonder, and a mom right here. Hi mom" I giggle

"Hey what're you doing" she leans against my door

"I'm on a zoom call with my algebra class" I say awkwardly

"Oh sorry" she starts to leave "just wanted to let you know I bought you some Panda Express" she explains

"Thanks" I smile and she walks out the room

"Ok class let's get started" the teacher connects into the chat

About a hour into the lesson, I haven't learned anything new. All we've been doing is reviewing everything. I had almost started to doze off sitting at my desk

I pop up at the feeling of my phone buzzing

Aidy 🥵🥰:
Wake up sleepyhead

I'm awake. Sadly

Well you haven't really missed anything but the weird kid picking his nose

Gross. Anyway what did you need to text me that you couldn't say in the chat

I think you look really gorgeous while you're sleeping

Ok I see why you had to text me that 😂 what a creep

Ouch? That was supposed to be a compliment

I know. And it was very adorable. Thank you kind sir 😘

Anything for you, sexy 😉

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now