True Colors

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In honor of me reaching 100k reads. This was also a request

Some words to describe this chapter: gross, wet, um- sticky?, very sticky, bloody, and steamy, nasty

60's slang used in this chapter. It was really fun to write :)

This ones reeeeealllyyyg long ;) <3

I grew up amidst a crime stricken, troubled neighborhood. My mom a single woman, and my dad not really in the picture 100% besides sending the monthly rent. Other than that, he wanted nothing to do with me. Now I've always been a feminist, and all for being an independent woman who doesn't need a man, but a dad....? A whole different story

So that was the life I led. The typical life of the average teenager in the 60's. Mom was always either drunk, or gone. My life was in pieces at the age of 13. Until I turned 16. On my 16th birthday, my dad magically popped up, and decided he wanted me to come live with him. I of course hesitated, but my mom was in no shape to take care of me, and I was a developing teenager who needed at least someone

So my dad miraculously swooped in on his rich feet. His Prada sneakers, and his hand that was practically blinding with his 5 rings on each hand. A couple years ago, he opened a bar/club joint. I didn't one hundred percent approve, but it was cold money. Money I would inherit when he died

A couple months into living with my father, it turned out he wasn't the bad guy I thought he was. He of course still loved me unconditionally, I was his daughter after all. The reason him and my mother didn't work out, was because all they were was just a simple one night stand....that created me...lucky

Anyway, I had everything I wanted. A master bed room, a 100k allowance, an after school job at dads bar, and a bitchy attitude to top it all off. It was almost as if I had went from being trailer park trash, to Sharpay Evans

Current Time: 9:13pm
At the bar-

"Shouldn't a 16 year old working at a bar be illegal?" A woman asks, leaning over the counter at you

"Just like it should be illegal for you to wear that much makeup. I guess we're both in the wrong" you say "now are you gonna order something?"

The woman perks up, raising her eyebrows as she starts walking away. You just roll your eyes, turning your head around to meet Dads unamused eyes

"I can't let you keep corrupting my customers, Y/n" Dad says, crossing his arms "you're off the clock anyway. Go get changed, and ready to go home"

You sigh, beginning to walk toward the back room as you reach behind you to untie your apron. You slide your obnoxious hat off your head, and throw it to the ground as you kick the door open to the back room

You wipe the sweat off your forehead, and take a seat on the bench, blowing a huff of air out. Maybe you were being a little dramatic. You only worked four hours, compared to the other actual employees who worked full time, some, even all night

You didn't see yourself as an actual employee, as it was really up to you whether you wanted to come into the bar to work. Either way, you'd still get allowance, but this way, it feels like you're working for it, plus, a little extra money never hurt

Breaking your thoughts, one of your female co-workers walk in, just as you're changing shoes
"What" you say

"There's a glass of neat on the counter out there" She says, pointing back to the door

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now