Out of love

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Five Hargreeves and Y/n Y/l/n. That's how it's always been. Me and Five are so alike given the fact that we can both teleport

We'd been together for a solid year, and everything was going smoothly

Key word- was

So I can't even tell you how it got like this. Because I don't know what I did

But Five came home. Mad

I was sitting on the couch in the academy, on my phone

Then Five walked in. I immediately took notice to the fact that he didn't spacial jump, and instead, walked in like a normal person would

"Hey love" I call out to him in the darkness of the living room with the only light coming from the tv

No answer

"Where have you been all night?" I turn my phone off and set it down next to me "I started to worry, I mean it is past 11"

"Y/n I really think you should go home or something" he finally says, reaching the staircase then stopping

"What? Why? Is something wrong?" I stand up

"I need some space" he croaks out

"Some space from what?!" I throw my arms out in frustration

"I just really need time to think" Five rests his head in his hands on the stair railing

"Five, think about what?" my breath hitches

"Y/n go home" he says coldly and brutally, ascending the stairs

I stand there watching him walk tiredly up the stairs without explaining why he was doing what he was doing

I squint my eyes in confusion, but just end up following him right upstairs, stopping him in the long hallway

"Five stop, talk to me" I grab his arm and he spins around violently

"I don't need this" he spits "I don't need this in my life right now, so Y/n you should just go home before things get out of hand"

I quickly back off of him and watch him storm off into his room

Taking a few moments to literally just stare at his door, I wait to see if he comes back out to apologize or something

Only he didn't. So I go back downstairs to retrieve my phone and such. Then teleport into my room at home

~Time skip ~

I wake up at 8:46 am on the dot, disoriented as hell. I don't remember falling asleep, but what I do remember is overthinking the whole Five inconvenience last night

I roll over and out of bed, then teleport to Five

Fives POV:

Preparing my coffee, I see Y/n in my peripheral vision. I sigh and put both hands on the edge of the counter, looking over at her

She looked so innocent with her hands behind her back. Her hair a complete and utter mess. Tear stained cheeks that proved she had been crying all night. Her clothes wrinkled

"I'm sorry" she says, looking dead in my eyes "there I said it. I'm sorry. For whatever I did. Except for I don't know what I did, because you won't tell me"

Once my coffee is finished brewing, I take it and walk upstairs with Y/n following close behind

"Five this is not the 1st grade where we ignore each other. This is real fucking life where you open up to people. Where you open up to the people you care about. To the people you love"

I set my mug down on my night stand and peer out the window as Y/n kept bickering at me

I had tuned out most of what she said, but the last thing she said to me awakened something I never knew I could feel for her

"Because you love me" she says "I mean you do love me right?"

I turn around to Y/n and watch as tears spill out of her eyes

A moment of silence follows since I didn't answer her question

Then she said it. The sentence that I never dreamt of hearing in this relationship
"Five are you falling out of love with me?"

I blinked and looked at her figure that was staring to cripple down. She had completely lost herself. Bawling on my floor

And I just watched

As I realized that I was no longer in love with her

I had no more love to give to her

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