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This chapter includes descriptions of sexual interactions between characters. If you don't like it, then you're lame- jk jk jl ily

Your POV-

Me and the Hargreeves aren't to be considered "siblings". My mother was a friend of Reginald's so when she died, she passed me on to him. Why, I don't know. I don't even know if that's legal.....But anyway, when Reginald died, I just stayed here in the academy with Pogo to look after me

Everyone else grew up, and ended up moving into their own house. But me? I still looked like the pathetic 13 year old I am. Reginald attempted to give me powers like the rest of the children, but something went wrong that's stunted my growth, so here we are

Since everyone moved out besides me, Luther and well, Five, being bored in quarantine came to a whole other level- teasing

I have been so bored just sitting in the academy in my room

Sooo bored, I thought about messing with Five who had been cooped up in his room with that creepy doll

I mean, maybe he could use the separation from it. He literally talks to it all he time like she's real or something

I smile evilly to myself as I hop up and walk over to Fives room

I lightly knock on the door and it pushes open. The doll sits on a chair in the corner. I roll my eyes and call for Five

"Five! Where are yo-" I turn around and there he is with a glass in his hand and a frown -per usual "hey"

"Yes, what" he walks past me, taking a sip from his drink while also leaving me breathless

He's gorgeous- from his piercing eyes that stare into my soul and leave me wet with just one glare, to his perfectly chiseled jaw, to his hair that I've been dying to run my fingers through

"Hm?" He hums, setting his glass down on the desk

"Oh" I turn around "I um, what are you doing?"

"Work" He says with a harsh 'k'

"Fun" I say sarcastically and hop on his bed

"Y/n is there something I can help you with?" He stares at me blankly

"My boredom?" I lay on the edge of the bed, upside down, peering up at him

Five sighs and turns around with his head in his hand
"Wow. You really are 13" he says under his breath with a little scoff

"Um, excuse me!?" I sit up and cross my arms "says the dude who claims to be what, 58? But then plays with a doll"

"Delores is not a doll" he spins around annoyed and points at me "she is the love of my life"

"Do you know how insane you sound right now Five Hargreeves?" I tilt my head with a grin threatening to break out

Five just stands there looking from me to the doll, then back at me
"I mean, does she only talk back to you? Or wait is it like a thing where only you can hear her?" I laugh while Five grabs my arm and stands me up, pushing me out the door

"Yeah mhm, goodbye Y/n" he closes the door in my face

— The next day —
5 pm

I hop up happily from my bed to go annoy Five again. Seeing as he didn't 100% seem happy with my performance yesterday, I get the feeling he might be a little mad with me. But what do I care? I'm here to make him mad

I knock on his door and he opens it he second my hand hits the door. He cracks the door open and peers his head through. I forcefully push the door open more and walk in

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now