I hate you

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This story really said:
Fluff 🥰 to smut 🥵

Word count- 818

You and Five were sitting on his bed in his room, talking and eating pizza. Everything was cute, fluffy and normal since Five wasn't in a bad mood like he usually is

"Hurry up and finish your food baby I want a cookie" he whines

"Why don't you just go get one now, bubba" you giggle

"Because I want to bite into it at the exact same time you do. So since you're not finished with your food, I don't want to eat my cookie without you" Five pokes his bottom lip out, leaning against me

"Awe Five" you fluff his hair "you're so soft"

"Only for my princess" he looks up at you then pecks your lips

He then watches as you grab another slice of pizza, with an idea popping into his mind
"Hey" He starts, so you look up at him "would you ever try pizza with mustard?" 

"What the fuck" you giggle "I mean maybe"

"Wait really?" Five smirks "that's so nasty"

"Let's do it! Mama ain't raise no bitch" you stand up, grabbing Fives hand to run down the stairs and into the kitchen

You swing the refrigerator door open, and grab the mustard, drizzling it over the rest of the pizza. You look over at Five and he smirks at you

"If I get food poisoning, I'm suing" you joke

"What?!" Five laughs "how would this ever be my fault? You were the one who actually went through with the idea. I just thought of it"

"Yeah but I'm in love with you. So pretty much anything you tell me to do, I'm gonna do it. Like if you tell me to jump off of a cliff, I'd think about it only for a second, then do it" you explain

"Why" he continues to laugh

"You're my influence. So with that being said, my death is on your hands" you giggle, running back upstairs

Once in Fives room, you take a bite into the pizza, and look over at Five who was eager to know how it tasted

"I mean it's not terrible" you say with a full mouth, and mustard on the corners of your mouth "actually it's not half bad"

"Really?" Five scrunches his face up "you know I was just kidding anyway"

"Yeah but it's good anyway" you take another bite

"Ok ok hurry up and finish princess" Five repeats, getting impatient

You decide to tease him, taking small bites, and chewing extremely slow, making him more impatient, and even a little mad

"Oh my god Y/n just put it in your mouth" he pushes the whole slice into your mouth, except for it mostly got on your face, and not even in your mouth

Now with a full face of mustard, you look up at Five who was smiling from ear to ear. You narrow your eyebrows at him, standing up and pushing him

"What the hell Five! I fucking hate you! Why would you do that you prick asshole son of a bitch" you storm off to the bathroom to wash your face

Looking into the mirror, you see Five standing behind you with his hands tucked in his pockets. His signature stance. But the look in his eyes had changed from what they had been before

He now had his jaw clenched, and eyebrows furrowed pretty hard. He was staring so hard into your soul from the mirror, that you almost didn't want to come out of the bathroom

But once you got all of the mustard off of your face, you mustered up the confidence to walk out. When you came out, Five was in the way of your path, and did not move

"Excuse me sir" you smile weakly, pushing past him

"Ha. You hate me, huh?" He finally speaks, turning around to you

He walks in front of you to sit down on the bed, before you could
"Don't even worry about sitting over there. I've got a designated spot for you right here"

Five motions to his lap, then motions for you to come sit on it. Nervously, you obey. Once you sit down, there's silence

"So you hate me, huh princess" he rests his hands on your thighs calmly

You stutter over your words, not even being able to form a sentence, surprised by the sudden change in mood

"Funny cause just a few minutes ago you were saying how much you were in love with me" Five explains "so which one is it princess"

"You love me or hate me?" Fives eyes pierce through your body, scanning it

You choke on air, feeling Fives hand slowly squeezing your ass harder by the second

"Can't decide? Well. Maybe you'll know when you're done gurgling on my dick" Five mumbles against my skin "then you can tell me how much you love me when you've got my cum in your mouth"

"On your knees now"

Aidan Gallagher ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now