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Warning- smut, filthy, harsh, rough, sloppy


"Mine to touch how I want, when I want. How I please, when I please. She's mine. Mine to use and do whatever else I please with"

Fives POV:
Flickering my eyes to the clock, it's 11:57. And Y/n has been out all day with her friends since they're slowly staring to open the city back up. I could understand that she wanted to be out with her friends since she hasn't seen them in literally months, but she left at 1 and she knows better than to be out this late

I stand up and walk over to the door, opening it and leaning against the frame to wait for her

Your POV:
I left the bar I was at over twenty minutes ago, and I'm still not home. Currently in an Uber, I told him to speed up. He told me he could only drive as fast as the law would allow him, and I knew I was going to be in trouble when I got home

But once we turned the corner onto my street, I immediately noticed that my porch light was on. The silhouette of my probably angry boyfriend stood in the doorway. I clear my throat, unbuckling my seatbelt. I thank the Uber driver and step out

I fix my dress, and drape my jacket over my arm, beginning up the path to the front door. I mentally prepare myself for whatever Five had planned, but physically I didn't know what to expect

So as I made my way up the door, I noticed Five had his arms crossed and a frown searing his face. His eyes burned me even though I wasn't even at the door yet. The brick path seemed longer than its ever been now. The intense eye contact with making me melt already

Finally reaching the door, Five pushes it open, and I slowly walk in. Now face to face with his intimidating glare, I start to slip my heels off, setting them by the door as Five was blocking my path to go anywhere else

"You're late" he starts talking

"I know" I say shyly

"Why are you?" he says lowly while I pull the hair tie out of my hair, letting it fall free

"Blame the Uber"

"Hm. Anyone try to come onto you?"

"No" I say quietly, turning to hang up my coat

"Where all did you go today" He asks

"We went to the mall, then to a bar" I turn back around and stare down at my feet

"Well how long were you guys shopping for? You don't even have any bags. Are you drunk?" He crosses his arms

"No I'm not" I say almost as quiet as a whisper

"Good. Now look at me while I talk to you" Fives finger lifts my chin up

I get a look into his deep green eyes. Coated with some type of gleam. He stares into my eyes with determination and dominance

"You remember the rules?" He keeps his hand on my chin, looking deep into my soul

I nod and gulp, taking my eyes off of him for a split second before returning to him as a rush of nervousness came over me

"Ok good. So what's rule number six" He asks with some intended confidence behind it

"What?" I fumble over myself as he randomly wanted me to explain the rules he told me a while ago

"Recite rule number six to me. Word for word. Right now" he takes his hand away and sticks it in his pocket

"Um" I stutter "I must follow all the rules, and if not, I will be punished"

"Exactly. And you didn't follow the rules did you, princess?" He turns and peers at the clock for a second "you violated rule number four. Which is what?"

"I have to be home by 11pm" I sigh

"Y/n it's fucking 12 o'clock" he growls

"I'm sorry" I look up at him again

"Well- you know the rules" he grabs my shoulders and pushes me down on my knees

Already knowing what to do, I get his shorts unbuttoned, and he pulls them down, then grabs my hair to push me onto his member that was apparently already hard. Pushing me all the way onto him, I gag, pulling away quickly

But Five had already balled my hair up into a fist in his hand, so as soon as I pulled away, he pushed me right back on, making me take all of him again, but much slower

Bobbing my head slowly, I make sure to swirl my tongue on his member, making Five let out a couple moans here and there. His hand becomes more tangled in my hair as he pushes me all the way onto him yet again, restricting my breathing

He keeps me there for almost ten seconds, groaning and cursing. He then lets my head go, causing me to make a popping noise against him, pulling my head back

Swallowing some of what precum that was already starting to ooze from his tip, I wipe my mouth, and reposition myself on my knees where Fives hand yanks at my hair, and he begins to practically facefuck me

His hips thrust into my face and his member touches almost the back of my throat, I try to pull away, about to gag around him, but he holds me there with both hands now on my head

Finally, with a little moan, I feel his fluid slowly squirt into the back of my throat as he lets go of my hair, also letting me fall back. A line of saliva and cum connects me to him while I look up to him, wondering what's next

He grabs my hand, walking over to the couch. He pushes me onto it, hanging my arms over the back. Fives hand smoothly runs down my legs, pulling my stalkings down before pushing my dress up

Then miraculously, my underwear are completely gone, and Fives hand presses multiple slaps to my ass, making me jerk forward and whimper

"You've been very naughty tonight" he whispers softly against my neck "You know that?"

I feel Fives hand run through my hair before roughly tangling his finger in my locks. Grabbing a fistful, he leans up to my ear again

"Say it" he growls while slamming into me

I moan out loud, and Fives hand yanks at my hair
"All the rules. Now. Say them"

A/n- Hi hi <3
Sorry I had no idea how to end this lmao

Aha I'm currently rewatching The Originals, but a bitch is bored, so leave requests friends :)

Qotd- When do you start school?

A: I start school on the 24th, but I'm doing online, so I only have to do it Tuesdays and Wednesdays

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