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they both stared at each other and xiaozhan started to blush, he pouted his face and turned back around

"can you take it out now, it kind of hurts"

Yibo got more excited and got bigger inside of xiaozhan, xiaozhan tried to get up and out of the bath tub but he couldn't it was stuck inside him.

"can you calm down it really hurts."

"baby, I'm sorry but we have to go for another round"

"didn't we just finish?"

"but you too irresistible, this is your fault"


yibo started to move and xiaozhan couldn't do anything but just stay there and let yibo do whatever he wanted.

(Hours later)------------------------

"I have no idea where you have that kind of energy"

"you give me energy." (yibo smirked and looked at xiaozhan ass)

"stop it, where are you looking at"

"ok ok" (yibo raises is hands and moved back)

"we have to go now, we still have a lot of work to do"

Xiaozhan got up from the bed and fell to the floor his legs were too weak to walk.

"you ok?"

yibo helped xiaozhan get up from the floor, xiaozhan looked at yibo and blushed, yibo helped xiaozhan got dressed and wen out the door.

"where are we going now?"

"back to the crime scene"

they both started walking then yibo got closer and closer as they started to walk further, yibo slid his fingers between xiaozhan's fingers and locked their hands together, xiaozhan looked up at yibo and blushed and pulled back

"what are you doing, there's people here looking at us."

"are you embarrassed holding hands with me?"

"n...no its not that Its because..... I'm.........I'm......."

"you what"

"I......stop it"

Xiaozhan lets go of yibo hands and quickly walked as fast as he could, Yibo smirked and ran after xiaozhan.

along the way to the crime scene yibo was teasing xiaozhan and xiaozhan blushed all the way there.

"stop bothering me, we here already"

Yibo got closer to xiaozhan's ear and whispered

"we should do it again tonight"

xiaozhan blushed and kicked yibo on his ass and ran upstairs to the crime scene.

"quit fooling around and help me find some clues"

"yes, officer"

moments later

"Yibo did you find anything?"

"no, nothing"

"I guess there's nothing for us then"

"so what are we going to do now"

"lets go home I have some files that I need to organize"

Xiaozhan walks out and heads home with yibo.

"I will go organize my files you just go cook yourself some food."

Xiaozhan was just about to walk to into his room when yibo pulled him by the arm and said

"why you leaving me all by myself, you need to spend time with me"

"what? but I got work to do"

"work, work, work, that's what you say all day, is that all you see in your world"

"No of course not."

"then what else you see"

"I see friends family and food"

"is that it?"

"I think so"

yibo's face turned really dark and started down at xiaozhan, xiaozhan felt the unease and moved back a bit

"what's going on, did I do anything wrong?"

"yes you did, you made a huge mistake."

"what did I do."

"I will show you what you did."

yibo picked up xiaozhan across his shoulder and he went into the room, and threw him on the bed and started to undress himself.

"y......yibo what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to give you a lesson"

yibo took off his belt and folded it in half and pulled on it, Xiaozhan sees that yibo is going to hit him with the belt he quickly reached to hug his knees and closed his eyes tight.

Authors note: Hi guys, I know ya'll probably thinking is she dead or something because I haven't been updating in such a long time but yes I am alive and I will be updating from now on because I have been busy this past month so I haven't been updating but thank you guys for waiting.

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