lights out

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yibo sits down on the couch and brings the box to the table in front of the couch and he started to unbox it, he first saw the folder that was cliped, he took off the clip and the name that came to sight was "Wang yibo" he started to look through his profile and and got a little mad

Yibo Inner thoughts: xiaozhan did I mistaken you for being someone who is actually understnding me? Afterall you are the same like the other all you think that I am the killer.

As yibo puts the the files away in the box the door opened.


yibo looked towards the door and saw xiaozhan trying to cacth his breathe, he continued to put the files back into the box and walked towards him, xiaozhan stood up straight and was kinda of scared of yibo, the whole entire room felt cold and dark. Yibo pulled Xiaozhan into the room and closed the door.

"lan listen to me, I can explain"

yibo pinned xiaozhan to the wall and got very close to him and put his forehead down to xiaozhan shoulders and said

"I thought you was different"


"you are a smart person, you probably know who I am already so you could stop this act now"


"I thought you will understand me, I thought you was different, I thought I could trust you"

Xiaozhan heart started to race really quick, it was probably because they were standing too close to eachother or it was because of yibo was breathing on his neck it made his whole body melt.

"I......I can explain"

At the same time it started to rain hard outside the lightning was really loud and then the buildings lights cut out, xiaozhan is scared of the dark and he immedialtrly melted down to the floor and started to tremble. Yibo noticed that xioazhan has fell to the floor and quickly went down with him he held onto his hands and said

"Are you ok?"

"D...d..dont leave me alone"

"Im here, Im not leaving."

For a while they were just there on the floor embracing eachother until yibo spoke up.

"Do you have a flashlight or anything?"

"Y.... yea its in my room" (Voice still trembling)

"I will go get it"

"no!......dont leave me alone"

"but we need light, grab on to my shirt and we will go together ok."

yibo raised his hands up to xioazhans face and caressed his cheeks, xiaozhan finally got up and grabbed onto yibo's shirt while they went inot the room to get the flashlight. Yibo turns on the flashlight and shines it on xioazhan who was still holding onto yibo's shirt, xiaozhan quickly lets go of his shirt and stares down to the floor.

"are you afraid of the dark?"

Xiaozhan nods his head

"We will have to stay like this until the lights come back"

"lan.......oh no.....its Yibo.....I really didnt mean to....."

"I dont want to hear it."  

To be continued..........

sorry for the long wait I applied for a summer class and there is just alof of work I need to get done, but I promise I will update as soon as i have the time, thank you guys for waiting.

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