The Real Reason

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Yibo raised his arm and picked up Xiaozhan and furiously walked backed into the bedroom.

Xiaozhan was ready for Yibo to be screaming at him but Yibo didn't. He just placed Xiaozhan down and pulled the blanket over him, Yibo just sat there looking at him, Xiaozhan felt very uncomfortable he didn't want to meet gaze with yibo he pulled the blanket over his head. There was a long silence xiaozhan finally couldn't hold on to the quietness and pulled the blanket away from his face and asked

"Are you just going to sit here and stare at me, you have nothing to say to me"

"Everything is confusing, I need to tell you once at a time."

"alright then tell me."

"but not now"

"this is what don't like about you, every time I am ready to hear you talk or explain yourself you never tell me anything you always don't complete what you have to say, you just stop and leave me questioning."

Yibo stood there for a while and didn't say anything.

"There you go again, if you have nothing to say then leave."

Yibo stood up from the chair and suddenly he kneeled down to the floor

"Zhan Zhan please give me some time I need time, I promise I will tell you everything."

Xiaozhan was startled by yibo actions he stood quiet for a sec and thought to himself maybe yibo does need time for him to get his thoughts straight maybe he has a good reason for this, xiaozhan decides to forgive yibo for now and wait until he tells him everything. He gets up form the bed and then he kneels down to the floor to be in the same level as yibo he hugs him and gives him a smile.

"zhan zhan you forgive me?"

"only for now, it depends on how you will act in the future."

Yibo hugs xiaozhan back and thought to himself he finally got to hug his little bunny again.

The Actual reason for this turn around and yibo is risking his life to tell xiaozhan is, that he has a problem he has Dissociative Identity disorder which means that he has more than one person living inside his body these people all are him to be more exact these people are his personality which later become their own self this sometimes can be dangerous and sometimes not. If the personality he posses are nice people then there is nothing to worry about but if its personality of killing and doing bad things, its going to be dangerous. The original owner of the body is yibo he himself didn't know about this problem he had until one day he woke up to see he killed someone but has no memories of he tried to go see a phycologist but the only thing the phycologist told him is that he got this disorder because he wants to protect or forget the bad things that had happened to him. His different types of personality can come out whenever they want, at this moment yibo eyes started to get dark and a dark smirk came across his face.

AN: Sorry for taking a long time to update but here you go next time when you guys want me to update private message me so I see it faster. Anyways enjoy reading.

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