Tay felt his heart drop for a second as he watched New leave. He was about to follow him when he felt a hand on his arm.

"So Mr Tay, these will be the things that you have to learn under my care."

Tay could only shout in silence as he was dragged by Apple to god-knows-where.


"The photocopying machine's not working."

New sighed for the nth time as he glared at Tay who had his head peeking in his office's door. During his three days in the company, he couldn't even count the times Tay barged into his office asking for help for nonsensical things such as paper getting stuck in the printer, coffee machine not functioning, stapler not stapling properly, and even the faucet not giving out water. He even almost killed him when he barged into his office for the first time asking for help on how to turn on the computer. The only consolation he had was the fact that Earth hadn't been to his office for days or he would have lost his mind if the two of them barged his office all at the same time.

"What is it this time?" New grunted in protest. He had enough of his shenanigans that sometimes he just wanted to push him down the stairs. And he had been there for just three days. New couldn't imagine what tricks he had under his sleeves for his entire duration.

"The machine's not photocopying. I need your help. Please?" Tay put on pleading expression on his face, blinking multiple times as he pouted his lips.

"If this one of your antics Tay, I swear I'm gonna push your face on the machine," New surrendered as he pushed his chair  back and stood up to help Tay with his problem.

New glared at Tay as the document went out of the photocopying machine. The machine was working fine; it was even working more properly than Tay's brain.

"There's nothing wrong with the machine. Have you ever used one before?"

"Hmmm. Yes? I photocopied some documents yesterday."

"Then what's wrong with you today?"

"Uhhm can you teach me again? I may have forgotten some steps," Tay flashed an earful smile.

New took a deep breath to calm himself and lengthen his patience. He then performed the procedures on how to photocopy documents.

"See. It's just easy."

"Ahhhh. That's why. I forgot to press the copy button," Tay chuckled as he pointed at the button that would make copies of the documents.

But New wasn't amused. He knew Tay was not dumb. He may be the clumsiest person on earth but New was sure he was wise.

"Can you stop your antics? I know you Tay. I just give in to your shenanigans because I hoped you'd stop eventually. But I didn't expect you to be a hopeless case."

"Hey. I was just kidding."

New went back to his office leaving Tay standing beside the machine.


Tay's glare followed Earth's back as the latter went inside New's office. He was typing fast on his computer that he didn't even notice Apple at his back.

"Theahtrmedjdh id jdueuejthr acklskd new new new new new new new new?! What the hell are you typing Mr?!"

Tay jumped out of his seat as Apple shouted behind him.

"Mr, I told you to create a proposal on how to sell our newly released product not type nonsensical words. Are you aspiring to be a minion?"

"I'll make it right away, Ms."

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