Chapter 67 "Move On"

Start from the beginning

Sam:We might as well move the mattresses back inside before we leave to SHIELD... Danny going to try to talk to Peter?

Ava:We should let that go know that Danny won't listen to us

Luke:...he's so stubborn, I guess that's one of the things they're somehow alike know that no matter what we say to Danny he won't listen...we should just leave him alone so he can open his eyes about Peter

Sam:...she's right...let's just move the mattresses back to the rooms before Aunt May comes and questions anything


Johnny and Peter were inside the SHIELD helicarrier as they had their costumes on walking past agents. Johnny stretched his arms out and places them behind his head. Peter had his mask in hand and was looking dazed towards the floor not giving any attention to Johnny as he talked.

Johnny:Man, I feel like you'll like the new guy! He's cool as hell! He's a chill guy so I feel like you might have a liking to him...he likes to play around a lot like me and also quiet like you are, he does have a small temper though...
*he spoke freely and he glances at Peter hoping for response, he bumps his shoulder to his to get him out of his dazed state*
Hey! What's up Petey? Why you looking down?


Johnny:Rich boyfriend again? You know...I heard your fight from upstairs, well we all did...but we tried our best to ignore it since it's your business


Johnny:(he looks like he haven't been it because of his boyfriend? Seems more likely but for some reason I feel like it'll have to deal with his spider sense...)
You feeling good on your spider sense man?

Peter:...yeah actually...which is weird

Johnny:It should get your head fixed for that since it just keeps triggering you and giving you headaches

Peter:It's more painful than headaches...they feel like migraines

Johnny:Oof! Those aren't the good kind...maybe Reed will help you out!

Peter:No I don't want to trouble him...even he doesn't know how it actually works

Johnny:Okay but just know that we have the door open for you at any time you need us 'kay?


Johnny:Oh we're here in the training room, let's go in! a minute, I want to check on the mutant from Friday

Johnny:...okay! I'll be in here then!
*Peter walks down further the hallway as Johnny watched and let out a small sigh before he opens the door to the training room and was greeted with a chill greeting. Peter had walked towards Janet's cell and was stopped by two SHIELD agents with their guns in hand*

"You're not allowed in here"

Peter:What?! Is Janet not allowing visitors?

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