Emergency Meeting: Orange is Found Dead in Upper Engine!

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She sat down on a chair at one of her many tables, holding a hand to her head as if nursing a headache. My legs felt like jelly. She said she will make sure to control the monster inside of her, make sure that this feasting will stop until we make it back to Polus. All this time, she was losing her grip on it, letting it take over. Soon, she will lose total control and the parasite will take her captive, using her body to commit its heinous crimes.

"So what do this mean?" I said quietly, filling the uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know." She replies in a whisper. 

"Am I going to lose you?" 

"You might, soon... I won't be able to stop myself."

We look at each other. My heart was breaking. I thought with her normal appearance slowly returning would mean that she was getting better, but now it's like the parasite is playing with us, using me to help it feed on whoever it wants in return of Pink's health. I couldn't bear to keep living knowing that Pink is the reason that my crew was falling apart, but I don't think I could keep living without her either. 

I walked over close to Pink and took off her helmet, laying it aside. I cupped both her cheeks in my hands and made her look up at me. She looked scared, scared for what she had done and what will become of her.

"I promise I'll take care of you Pink, no matter the cost." I tell her and she nuzzles into my hands, her eyes again filling with tears. "I won't let you lose yourself on my watch. When we get back to Polus, I promise we'll find a way to get that parasite out of you."

"What if you can't?" She asks.

"Then I'll stick by you still, I'll do whatever I can to feed you." 

"I don't know why you stick around, Brown, I am a literal monster." Her voice catches in her throat and she turns away. I bring her in closer to me and let her lay her head against my chest and I run my fingers through her hair gently.  

"Well, then you're my monster, I don't want to ever lose you, Pink." I say to her.

We stay there for what seems like forever when suddenly a different alarm blares out through the PA system. We bought jump to attention, pulling away from each other. This alarm was different than the one that played when I sabotaged the O2 systems, this one meant that there was an emergency meeting at the Cafeteria. 

"They must of found the rest of Orange's corpse." Pink said, her eyes wide in fear.  

"Calm down, they don't know it was you. Leave it up to me, I'll make us up an alibi." I try and comfort her, but still I can't help to wonder if any of our crewmates are starting to get suspicious of us. I made sure that our crimes is as flawless as I can, but my crew isn't dumb. They will have to start figuring things are amiss sooner or later.

We both ran out of the lab and out into the Cafeteria, where Blue is dragging out Orange's mangled body. He was screaming in rage and I protectively put my arm out to block anyone from getting near Pink. 

"WHO DID THIS?" Blue shrieked at the rest of the crew. Nobody makes eye contact with him and he slams a hand down on the table. "SOMEBODY KILLED MY FRIEND AND I WILL MAKE YOU PAY. WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT?"

"Please, Blue you need to calm down," Red says, his voice strained. "Please, let him go, he's gone. Let us take him and get his body prepped, we'll have this meeting when you settle down..."

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