Chapter 24: Gays and Guys

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Draco's POV

"Hey, Malfoy."

The two words break through the barrier of silence I had created, and it was said with such serenity and peace, that I actually didn't expect it to be said by who did say it. Potter. 

I wasn't in the mood for a fight, and with whatever drained energy I had left was being saved for this stupid glamour I had put up. I was working on growing my hair out a bit longer so as to cover the Omega symbol branded on my neck. That way the glamour would sap up much less energy than it is now. 

"Hi, Potter," I sighed back, and the silence between us wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be initially. We both quietly listened to the sounds of the party being held in the dungeon close by. It sounded to be quite the thing, very exclusive too. It was pretty ironic, hosting a party in the Slytherin territory Professor Slughorn wished to avoid. 

The sound of waltzing music drifted through the somewhat cold corridors. The door briefly opened, and a couple shifted through the red tapestry hanging over it. Red. In Slytherin Dungeons. Many Slytherins had a problem with it, but did not dare to remove it. Slughorn was supposed to be the new head of Slytherin, yet we all favoured Snape more anyway. 

My eyes followed the couple, who were laughing happily, smuggling back two flutes of some sort of bubbly drink from the party. Probably some silly Muggle substance, that they could get high and drunk on. 

Speaking of couple, why wasn't Potter inside, with his date. I'm sure anyone would go with him, since he's all Alpha-y and hot. Yeah, yeah, he's hot now, no big deal. Despite my fear of breaking the easy-going peace, which Potter had used to move back against the wall, I asked, "So why aren't you in there then, with you date?"

He looked mildly surprised and startled, and opened his eyes quickly. Either Potter was really stupid, or he was comfortable closing his eyes in the territory of predatory Slytherins, who were really riled up after all. "Well, I did go inside. But it's really boring, and it was a last minute decision too. Couldn't find a date in time."

"Oh," I replied. "What about Girly-Weasley? I heard you were courting her over the summer or something." 

Courting is what a proper Alpha would do, in the circumstance that one found their mate, or someone they would rather spend the rest of their lives with. 

Potter snorted, "Courted, no. Dating more like. And it didn't mean much to either of us anyway. She's not my mate."

Just then,  Ginny Weasley walked out, her tipped back and giggling with-

"Luna?" Potter whispered.

"Guess everyone in this school is gay then," I mumbled back. 

We both stared at each other for a second, and then burst into laughter. The girls didn't seem to hear us, and linked arms, going back into the dance. 

Potter was grinning, holding his arm out and asked, "Would you like to accompany me to this ball, dear companion Malfoy, and stalk our gay-ass friends?" 

I froze for a second, watching Potter frown a little. As hot as he was, he did not look good with a frown. "Ah yes, I would love to, Mr Potter," I said, back. 

We laughed in sync, and linked arms like Weasley and Luna did. Potter held back the tapestry, and I turned the knob of the door, and we walked in together, spotting people dotted around the room. 

Potter shifted, and asked if I had ever had champagne before. Must be some sort of Muggle thing, and I shook my head. 

He made a face of shock and despair, and said, "Wait here, Malfoy."

I stood at the side of the room, awkwardly, not spotting many of my friends here. There were a few Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, yet tons of Gryffindors. The only face I did manage to find in the crowd were Luna and, oh, Pansy? 

All four of the girls, Weasley, Luna, Pansy and Granger, were at a table, trying out the fancy food, and toasting flutes of the bubbly liquid thing to each other. Pansy was smiling and laughing more than I had seen her before, and her gaze was shifting around the room. I turned around before she could spot my face, instead turning to Potter who was holding out a glass to me. 

"Draco," I said, and Potter made a puzzled face at me. "You called me Malfoy before. Don't, call me Draco."

"Well, then, Mr Potter was interesting, but I prefer Harry. This means truce, by the way."

I smiled, then pointing to the table where the girls were standing. I was really proud of Pansy, for finally allowing herself to have fun and getting herself a girlfriend. Her gay-ass really did deserve one. 

"Hermione? Pansy and her do make a sweet couple though," Potter said, taking a sip of the 'champagne'. Following suit, I lifted my glass up too, taking a sip of it, and tasting little bubbles on my tongue. 

"Guess Muggles do make interesting things," I replied, nodding in approval of it. Pot-No, Harry laughed, and drowned the rest of the glass quickly. I rolled my eyes at him playfully, and he winked back, taking our glasses and placing them onto a server's plate. Just in time for the soft music to start playing, and Harry froze like a deer in headlights. Just when we were getting comfortable around each other. Just my luck. 

A/N Ah, finally, we're getting somewhere! I hope this isn't too cringy or cheesy, but I did want to tell you all that this story is a slow-burn, so they might not actually date or kiss or anything for a long, long time. Just kidding, it won't be that long hopefully. This book is getting so many views, and I just wanted to thank all of you for reading. When I first started off writing this, I thought it would get like 100 at most, but now we're at like 35K views?! Wow! Thank you to everyone :)

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