Chapter 8: Omega Me

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Draco's 1st POV

The crowded station at platform 9 ¾ is something I may never get used to. Yes, I have been here already countless times, but never alone. My mother or father often accompany me to the station, but today it's just me.

They thought it would be dangerous to leave the Dark Lord at home alone. As if he were some child. But I guess I understand. I'm not their only priority.

But, I mean, it still hurts that they couldn't find any time for me. Aren't I supposed to be their sole child?

So instead of my 'loving' parents dropping me off, the Crabbe and Goyle families walk me to the station, arriving plenty of time ahead before the train departs.

I levitate my trunk into the compartment, before Mrs Goyle hugs me tight, which I'm grateful for. It makes me feel special. I've only ever had two mother figures in life, and Pansy barely counts, as she's only my age and has never had any kids of her own.

Speak of the devil. Pansy rushes up to me, before I get into the train, and pauses in front of me.

"Hey, Dray!" she squeals, in a way that only girls can. She squeezes me tight, and I hear whispers around us.

I know what the rumours were about; that pure-bloods Malfoy and Parkinson were together. I haven't denied them, for fear that it will expose me, and she hasn't either. It allows her family to think that she is straight. Completely and utterly 'straight'. Like me.

Her trunk drops behind her, and we both jump. My train of sad thoughts is interrupted as Blaise swaggers up to us.

"Gee, you're welcome, Pans," Blaise drawls. He sidles up to her, and gives her a one arm hug.

"Hey! What about me?" I whine, pouting as I do so. No one knows, but inside I'm a big ol' Hufflepuff.

"Hello then, beautiful," he grins, looking down at me. He is most definitely an alpha, as he has grown taller and his muscles are more defined. Great.

I realise that he is waiting for my answer, so I try to think of something funny to say back. This has always been our thing. As Blaise is the only open gay between the three of us, he tries to flirt with me. He says it's just for fun, but I know it's really meant for me to get used to the idea.

Of course it's been ages since I have been alright with it, but we still continue. For old times sake, I suppose.

"Hey there, handsome," I smirk, even if my voice is hoarse from screaming into my pillow. The pain was almost excruciating as I presented, late at night and alone. 

We get onto the train, into our special compartment, and Pansy almost skips in. Blaise rolls his eyes and holds the door open for me.

I wait for him to get into the compartment first, because I can't risk him seeing my neck. Where my omega branding lies.

When I ask Pansy why she is so happy, she tells me it is because she presented as a beta in front of her family. That's good news, as it means (since she can mate with anyone, anyway) they still think she is straight. Lucky.

I know I should be happy for her, but I can't be. I'm jealous. She's safe, and thank Merlin for that. I'm not. My father has been bringing up presentations all throughout the summer. If I don't present as an alpha, or even a beta, he will think of me as useless. A non-worthy heir. He will disown me, and he definitely won't care about what happens to me after that. The world is a dangerous place for omegas like me.

Which is why, when Blaise tells us he is an alpha and asks me if I had presented, I shake my head and stare out of the window. 

A/N Just a longer chapter, because why not? Also, I'm in a very happy mood today, and I want y'all to be happy too! (Ew, I'm becoming soft, lol.) Remember: Thursday!

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