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Author's pov:-
So we are again in present and to remind you all that y/n is still sitting on small cliff remembering past.

Y/n's pov:-
I cried myself to sleep that day,on your birthday. But I made myself enough strong after that night, I didn't shed a single tear in my whole pregnancy and these three years. I had Aera when my heart was dark and broken by the person whom I loved the most. She made my heart light up with all love she had.
Before her I never thought I would have strength to be so persistent about something. She brought the best person out of me. Her little doings taught me to new things. If I would have to choose between breathing and Aera I would always choose my baby. I love you yoon...and for you,eomma is moving on and she will get you the best dad. He will be with you always to support you,to love you not like...anyways I need to pick Aera it's too late now.

I made my way to car and started driving. Soon I reached jungseon and Daejung's shared apartment. I pressed doorbell and jungseon opened it with mess hair.
"I think you were busy with your love!"I giggled and teased him.
"Stop teasing you stupid, we did nothing, come in",he says.
",its already past 10pm. I need to take Aera home, I promise we will come some other day to spend time with you both."
"Are you feeling good now?"he asks and I nodded in answer.
Aera came running and hugged me tightly. I tugged her in my arms and said" say bye to your unca." After biding goodbye to jungseon and Daejung we both headed to car. I place her in passenger's seat and buckle her seat belt while I made my way to driver's seat. We both reached home after driving for more than ten minutes.

After getting freshen up,Aera and me ate dinner. I made her to sleep and reached downstairs for catching my favorite ongoing k-drama. Soon Aera came down and slept on my lap. I kept television's volume low since Aera can wake up and soon completed whole episode. I took her small figure in my arms and we were heading to our bedroom but I heard doorbell. And due to sound Aera woke up.
"Who's there *yawns*eomma?",she asks in sleepy tone. I checked time and it was 12:05am. 'Who's at this time?' I was surprised and fear took over me. They can be robbers or kidnappers...but wait why they will ring doorbell.
"Baby, go to your bedroom and lock the door. Dont open until I ask you, okay?" I said and Aera ran up.
With heavy steps and I opened door and....

Yoongi's pov:-
Is she asleep? Why she is not opening door. I will wait for some time ...calm down yoongi she will open door.
*tsks* the door opens revealing y/n. My queen, my everything. You look so beautiful, your deep eyes, plump lips which tastes like sweet and your sensitive spot near your ear,I remember everything baby every single detail of yours. I missed you y/nahh...I missed you so much.
"Why are you here,?"she spoke with her angelic voice but her words spits venoms.
"I am here to celebrate my birthday with you and my baby..sorry our baby", I corrected myself nervously.

Y/n's pov:-
What!!! Dont say you are serious mr.min. you dont have any right on my child or me. I felt my anger boiling and my veins burning with the amount of hate I have for this person.
"You don't have any right on us and dont you dare to call her your child, she's MINE only mine. You may leave now."I tried closing door but he had more power which made my intentions fail.
"Please give me a chance to correct my mistake.please allow me to improve, I promise I will never.." he was cut off by small figure hugging my legs. Aera I told you not to come down. Why can't you listen me for one time,baby.
"Hii..princess",he smiled and sat on his knees while trying to see Aera face.
Aera tried to come in front but I held her strongly behind me and I spoke with stern voice,
"Aera go back to your room, I will handle this." I loosened my grip to allow her to go in bedroom but instead she came in front.
"Are you my..appa?" She asks the man sitting in front of her. He nods in agreement to Aera's question. She hugged him by sliding her little hands over his neck while yoongi had his arms around her tiny waist. No baby he doesn't deserve your love. He doesn't deserve you. I felt goosebumps by seeing this scene while my body froze and I can't feel anything. My eyes were still stuck on this union. I saw his watery eyes but guess what it's fake again. I know every single intention of yours mr.min. I will not allow to take Aera away from me.
They broke hug and Aera's eyes met mine.
"Eomma can I take appa inside?"she pleads with puppy eyes. I bent to reach her,"you can baby but before that I need to talk with your appa. And I want you to go in your room. I will call you when we will finish."I commanded her trying to be as soft as I can be.
"Okay..bye eomma appa."she ran upstairs instantly.
"Come in,"I tried to be calm but my anger took over me. I made my way to living room with yoongi following me.
After entering there I turned to face him and spoke "what do you want?"
He clears his throat and his gaze was stick to floor when he speaks,
"I know I did a huge mistake and you hate me. But please allow me to correct my deeds. I want to treat..."I cut him off
"Cut this bullshit drama and spill your real intentions for coming here."
"I swear,I have no evil intentions. I am just here to treat you and my princess I mean our baby nicely. I did mistake three years ago and I am trying to correct it. I love y.." again his words are cut by me. I can't hear those fu**king words.
"Don't you ever think I am going to give you chance. And about treating us nicely, sorry but we are treating ourselves very nicely. We dont need any man like you to treat us good. You can meet Aera before leaving and please make sure this is your last visit here."I spat the venom on his face. He was still hanging his head low but soon made an eye contact with mine. His eyes were red and I can see how much he is hurt by my actions and words.
"Hate me as much as you want y/n. I deserve this,but I will come here again and again to prove you that I am guilty over my mistake. I will make you forgive me I promise. You will notice I am changed and I deserve your love one more time. Till then, I will wait for you. But now can you call Aera for me?I want to cut my birthday cake with both of you,"he passes a weak smile.
"I..I am sending Aera here, do whatever you want but make sure you leave soon as she needs to wake up early. " I said and made my to bedroom.
"Eomma can I go and meet appa?"Aera asks excitedly.
I kneeled down to reach her,"sure baby but promise will always love your eomma,"I blinked away my tears.
"I uwuu(love) you this much.."she extends her hands and answers.

His daughter {MYG × READER}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang