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Yoongi's pov:-
Hearing her voice y/n broke the hug immediately and we both wiped our tears away.
"Come here,"I asked Aera to come and sit on my lap. She came and sat  while y/n stood up to leave but Aera holds her wrist and speaks,"are you crying eomma?"
Y/n was broke but she gathered herself well and kneeled to reach Aera who was on my lap. She gently rubs Aera's hands in hers and speaks,
"no eyes got teary because of dirt. Don't worry yoon,you know eomma is strong!" Aera smiles and says,"only for me" to which y/n nods with weak smile. 
"So my baby is going to meet halmoni and halbojee?hmm?" She teases Aera.
"YESSS!!!"Aera screams in excitement making y/n laugh at her cuteness.
"Go baby pick your dress,I will get you ready today" I said and Aera ran upstairs. Y/n asks" you sure?" And I nodded to ensure her.
"Can you please... come with us?" I asked her nervously. She shooked head and speaks "," and leaves the room.

1hour later
Me and Aera both left for my house after getting her ready while I am still in my yesterday's outfit. Soon we reached home and got out of car. Aera tugs to my sweatshirt which caught my attention. Bending over her I asked,
"are you okay baby, you need something?" And she shooked her head in 'no'.
"Then what happened bubs?"I asked again as she was looking dejected.
"Will they like me?"she answered with her head hung low. It broke my heart to see her this nervous just for meeting her grandparents. If I wouldn't have..sush yoongi you have to comfort Aera for now.
"Why will they not? You are their only granddaughter so they will love you with every piece of their heart. And maybe they will love you more than  me."I said and pouted to which she laughed a bit. And we both headed towards the door. I pressed the bell and Aera hides behind me "it will be surprise for them"she whispers from behind. Yes baby you are their surprise and I don't know how will they react. The door opens revealing my mom a with bright smile spreading across her face.
"Hello, eomma" I greeted her and she pulls me for hug.
"Who's this little?"she asks and breaks hug. I turned around to pick nervous Aera in my arms and replied,
"She's is my daughter, my little one." Her eyes widened and face became blank.
"Let's get inside," she turns and leaves for living room.
"Did she not like me?" Aera whispers in my ear as she was in my arms.
"She loves you baby. Give them some time"I replied and placed her on the couch while taking seat beside her. Appa and eomma both were sitting in front off me.
"Lina, come here and take this little girl with you for some time." Eomma calls my head chef.
Soon lina came and took Aera to show house. And my eomma starts conversation.
"Is she a mistake?"she asks making me disbelief her words.
"No she.." I answered but appa cuts me off.
"Like a result of any scandal or anything yoongi. You don't have to carry responsibility when it's a mistake. we can handle this if you tell us everything."he says while crossing his arms over chest waiting for my explanation. It is natural for them to think if Aera was any result of scandal because I never told them about y/n. Even when y/n wanted to meet them I rejected her demands. Clearing throat I spoke,
"appa eomma I had girlfriend before 5 years. We broke up due to my mistake when she was carrying Aera. Now when I realised my mistake I want to be with them. I want to be with my family." I spoke everything which I thought would be correct.
"You said it was your mistake for breakup right? Then did your girlfriend forgive you now? Is she ready to be your wife?" She asks making me gasp.
"No. She doesn't want to be my wife and I respect her for the decision. We will take care of Aera without getting married or being in relationship." I answered politely but when my eyes met appa's they were fuming with anger.
"YOU REALLY THINK YOU WILL NOT GET MARRIED FOR WHOLE LIFE AND JUST WASTE YOUR LIFE TAKING CARE OF THAT PIECE WHO IS YOUR BROKEN PAST AND NOTHING ELSE. Why can't you move on with someone else when you have the chance? Why you have to stuck with her and that little piece when you can get married and have your own children. The girl you will marry.." I cut him off when he crossed line.
"Sorry but I think you forgot what I said earlier. She is MY DAUGHTER, I repeat MY DAUGHTER meaning my child. And one more thing appa even if y/n doesn't want to be with me,I loved her and I still love her. I am not going to change my decision. You can love my family if you want or you can leave us alone."I replied sternly. He stood there in disbelief of what came out of my mouth. Eomma opens her mouth to speak but gets cut by Aera hugging my legs. Eomma comes near us and bends to reach Aera while Aera's back was facing my eomma.
"What's your name little girl?" She asks calmly making my cold heart soft again. Aera turns around to face her and greets her,
" I am kim Aera. Nice to meet you halmoni."  Eomma smiles at her and looks at appa. She takes Aera in her arms and steps towards appa. Please appa don't hurt Aera,she is princess of your prince.
"Look at creation of our son, doesn't it melt our heart?" Eomma asks him while stroking Aera's hairs.

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