Finally freedom?

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My stomach still rumbled but I'd learnt to ignore it over time as I felt content with my good deed. Owner had already left by then but the door swung open again. Owner and clearly a customer strolled down chatting. I wanted to leave but was scared because of what had happened to me previously and the stories others had of their masters. I hated it. However, I was usually not picked as I was second hand so that was kinda good but also really saddening when you think about it.

The customer was weird, usually by now he would of left with his pick but he was fussy clearly. I was still undeterred that I wasn't going to get picked but he was coming closer to my cage. The customer was tall and intimidating. He faced away from the light so I couldn't see his face which made him more scary.

He edged closer and closer. Curled into a ball making my tail circle me, protect me.
I closed my eyes and hoped he would pass by but he didn't. He asked about me which he hasn't done to anyone else.
"He's has three other owners already, he's quite badly used. Umm..." The owner said. It made me quite upset that this was my title, a overused kitten.
"Here we are, here's his file" The owner continued handing his clipboard.
"I'll take him" Three words I was dreading to hear.
"Really! But he incompetent and disobedie-..." Owner stopped as he was glared down upon by the customer.
"Right, if you want to go upstairs and fill out some paperwork, I'll get him ready"
The customer powerfully walked upstairs radiating dominance as he did.
I then heard my cage rattle as Owner tried to scoop me out of the cage. I pounced at his hand scratching them as much as I could.
He pulled back swearing obscenities. He went for another swoop so I flayed my claws once again. I Wasn't Leaving This Cage! But he grabbed my arm and yanked me out hard. I scratched and clawed trying to dig my way back in but there was no chance. He threw me on the floor bending my arms behind my back painfully. He put a collar and a lead on me.
"I swear if you scratch me when I get up, you get punched towards your new owner" I was vulnerable and trapped. He got up and pulled the lead indicating to follow him but I didn't. So he just pulled harder chocking me in the process. I felt like I would pass out when we went up the stairs.
"STAND!" Owner demanded once at the top of the stairs. I tried but I couldn't so I just got on my hands and knees and waited. Owner just signed and opened the door. The light immediately blinded me but owner immediately started pulling me forwards so I fumbled along not opening my eyes and using the tugs from the lead to guide me.
"Here you go, everything seems to be in order. Benji is now officially yours"
"Thank you" my new master responded. By now I had opened my eyes and could see my new master. He was actually pretty hot with a nice toned face. He could be a model. He quickly strolls to the door of the room and I try to follow but he just too quick for me so eventually out of annoyance he picks me up and walks to his car. I wanted to kick and scream and try and escape but I was frozen with fear. He plonked me in the front seat and got in himself and began to drive away. I stared in awe at all the amazing views outside the car window. Much seemed to have changed since I last came here.

Fighting Owner and fear was extremely exhausting and although I tried to fight it as I didn't feel safe in new masters presence. It was too strong and I drifted off.

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