Hell On Earth

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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING : Consent ⚠️

Benji's POV

I woke peacefully and calm still in the cramped cage. Nothing had changed including anyone's presence. But after sometime of eye rubbing and stretching, I realised something was different. It was silent. Nothing. Not a peep out of any floorboard. Not a particle of sawdust fell. It was finally peaceful. I was now happily energised and felt a little more safe from the silence. I didn't like being alone still but no company is better than their company.

Time passed while I pruned my meniscal fur, cleaning it as best as I could. I don't know why I did this, it was just something to do. But then finally something cracked the silence, feet slid across the ceiling above possibly trying to be silent. The movement then stopped and soon after, a almighty bang with shrieks and shrills following.
"Shut up you filthy whore!" Bellowed from one of the Intruders mouths. It reminded me of my previous owners.
The screams continued until another bang and then they stopped. The repetitive pushing into the floor didn't but it slowed.

"The bitch is out cold" He said again.
"Sure she ain't dead?" Another answered.
"Who cares? She wasn't worth anything anyway. But I ain't gonna fuck a corpse or one that ain't screaming. You guys can but I'm going to get the Neko downstairs."
"Alright, just don't damage him too much because he is worth something." Heavy footsteps began trudging towards where the lady had come from.
The door swung open once again blinding me with scorching light. In the doorway was a man I hadn't seen before but has sure heard. He seemed to breath fire but his eyes were cold, probably like his heart. His outline was big and muscular. His clothing didn't give much away though. Overall, he was terrifying and made me back away from my cage door.

He strode closer and closer, Heavy-breathed. I pushed myself further and further away from the door. I revealed my claws ready to swipe. He crouched down and reached for the door lock. I hissed as his fat fingered hand edged closer.
"Shut up, pussy" He continued reaching and grabbed the door, unlocked it and swung it open. He reached in to grab me but as I did with the shop owner, I swiped precisely gashing his hand. He did the expected and pulled back in pain. Unlike the owner though, he stared at me clutching his wounded hand. His once cold eyes were now fuming with fire. His demeanour made me want to submit instinctively but I refused. He swiped at the cage and sent it and me across the room crashing into the wall. I was dazed and in pain. The rusty bars had snapped and one had gouged itself in my back while other just poked. I screamed as it pierced me.
"That's what you deserve, useless piece of shit." He said standing over me, hands on hips.
"If you weren't worth a good buck, I would if shot you like your boyfriend." How dare he bring him up! I frowned and stared at him as intimidatingly as possible. He just smiled and laughed.
"Did I touch a nerve there? Your precious, stupid boyfriend laying there with my boys bullet lodged in his chest, his blood spurting all over you. His breath stopping, his heart no longer beating? Is that hurting you?" Tear began to well as his word spilled. I couldn't help it now.
"Haha, pathetic slut." He grabbed the cage and ripped it apart, grabbing me by the scruff and throwing the cage away.
He then held me up to his eye height which was at least two feet off the ground. He stared at me, urging me to submit but I still refused. I slashed his face cutting his eye this time. He yelled in pain, dropping me immediately and holding his eye. I never planned it but now was the time to escape. I ran for the still open door while the creature was fumbling around behind me. I ascended the stairs quickly and jumped through the doorway to be met with the two original intruder waiting with the ice-white complexioned women laying lifeless in the background. They unisonly stepped forward pushing me into a corner. I was trapped. I dived for a gap but jumped into the arms off them. They grabbed my tail and hung me upside down from their arm. I tried to claw anything I could but they were out of reach this time.

The man from the basement had now returned upstairs and was staring at us three with a bloodshot eyes. Mainly at me.
"Strip him. I don't care if I damage him now" He bellowed.
The two swarmed me and pulled at my thin pyjama top. It ripped easily and they pulled the strand off. It hurt but not as much as the impending doom I was about to face did. They threw me to the floor and pinned me. I kicked and cried but to no avail. They soon ripped my pyjama legging down as well leaving me in my underwear : crying, struggling and completely powerless. They soon whipped my underwear down as well exposing everything.
"Awww, look at his small dick. So adorable" One said.
"I don't care about that, flip him over" Big man said. They did as they were told and now my scarred ass was on show to everyone.
"Clearly been used before, hmm? Your a little slut aren't you? I bet you enjoyed every minute of each of them, didn't you? Well, add me to the list." Big man said again.
The two henchmen had my arms pinned to the ground while I heard a belt and trouser fall to the floor. I couldn't see behind me so I struggled more. Desperately trying to break free.

They then flipped me again to show Big Man towering over me, his whole body was defined. Bulging pecs, eight-pack, biceps, triceps the lot. His legs were thick with fuzz and his chest was cut in half with a line of hair. However, I quickly focused on his rod. It jutted out at least 8 inches with a thick bush at the bottom and a bend downward at the end. He then planted himself on my waist and grasped my hair yanking me forwards and forcing his dick into my mouth. He pulled me back and forth onto his pole sliding it down my throat. My eyes rolled backwards and I was gagging constantly. He didn't relent though, just kept fucking my throat. His next cruel act was pinching my nose starving me of my final source of oxygen. I struggled harder desperately trying to make him release. Tears were freely flowing from my eyes. The three other laughed at their effective torture method. As I saw darkness, relief came as they released and I inhaled as much air as possible through my nose as my mouth with still blocked by the monster cock. I decided some payback was in order and I bit down. He quickly responded by punching my head, pulling out and choking me.
"You dare do that again and it will be the last thing you do!"
I didn't focus on what he said, I just wanted air now. I nodded swiftly and he let go. I sucked in air again but was quickly stopped as he shoved his cock back in. He kept skull-fucking me occasionally pinching my nose as well and slapping my cheeks. It continued for what seemed like hours until Big Man lurched forward and buried his whole cock down my throat. I gagged the hardest I could as spirt of liquid fell straight into my stomach. After 6 long and heavy spirts, he pulled out allowing me to finally catch my much earned breath.
"Just lock him in the basement as I broke his cage, he isn't needed anymore" Big Man said after standing up. His two henchmen picked me up by the arms and threw me back down into the basement. I landed with a crack and a scream. They didn't care still and locked the door as me, my defiled throat and my now broken foot lay there sobbing freely, waiting for the pain to subside.

Another one.

Thanks for the popularity, I can't believe we recently hit 15k so thank you so much. I never expected this book to explode like it has so thank you so much. Just FYI, I've recently wrote a Gay Furry Oneshot so if you're into that, please go ahead and read it. In other news, I'm tired as fuck and need sleep so I'm go crash. Night night my lovelies.

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