New Perspectives

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New Masters (Leo) POV

I awoke from my peaceful slumber to the sight of my pets white locks spread across my chest as he rose and fell to the rhythm of my breath. The quiet whistle from his relaxed breaths was the only sound to be heard in the room. I looked out through a small gap in the curtains seeing star flicker and the moon shining it's enchanting light. It was still early... or late, I didn't know. I wanted to get up as I wasn't tired anymore but didn't want to disturb my beautiful Benji's sleep.

I laid there for a while, trying to drift back to sleep but to no avail. His small figure perfectly fit onto my chest which meant it was harder to move him off. However, after many minutes of slight shuffling, he softly landed on the bed with me beside him. I closely leaned into his cute face, studying his bright green eyes, his rounded jawline and soft cheekbones. His little button nose with his wine red lips, the same lips mine locked with maybe hours or minutes before. I still couldn't get over it. I lifted his fringe and place a smooth kiss onto his forehead as he still didn't awake. I then silently exited the room and headed downstairs; into the kitchen. I looked at the microwave's clock and saw that it was 5:31 am. It was early but late for me. I am usually up before 4 am. I made the usual brew I make every morning with a little extra touch to give it some.... kick? Blood.

I still have no idea why I liked blood so much, just the metallic taste mixed with the warmth of the human was always extremely tasty. Yes, I have thought I'm a vampire many a time but they don't exist so I couldn't be one. Also, I've never been bitten by someone and my parents sure as hell aren't vampires, they definitely would've told me if they were. So I just accept I like blood more than the next person and carry on. Anyway back to my tea.

I stood they're in the quaint little kitchen looking out my front window across the endless fields sipping my tea. You could vaguely see nature skipping around like deer frolicking, bats flapping and foxes howling. I suppose that's why l wake up early, to see the other side of life. The slow lane of life, be that for a second or a hour, I just enjoy it.

Far off into the distance, beyond the great green fields was a line of light. Burnt orange expanding for either side of the sky and exploding forwards. It would grow every so often until the whole sky was lit and the animals danced their way back to forests and dens.

My tea is now an empty cup so I put it in the dishwasher and head back upstairs. My baby is still lightly snoring on the ruched covers. I head over and scoop him into my arms, I took less care to keep him asleep this time. Because of this, he slowly shifted in my arms as his eyes fluttered as he rubbed them gently. He opened them not needed to adjust to the dark room as he looked up into my eyes. I expected a rather nonchalant expression or maybe startled. But no, the same terrified expression as before. It quickly changed to a joyful one but he still was slightly afraid of me. This angered me so much, not with him obviously. With myself. Why was I so stupid to hit such a fragile being? Even though of this, I carried him downstairs and sat on the couch with him in my lap. With the room he finally extended his arms and let a gaping yawn free as I got a view of his cute little fangs.

He looked at me with tired eyes and snuggled back into the crook of my neck. "No, no sweetheart. It's time to get up, not back to bed" he seemed irritated by this but didn't disobey and got off my lap. He adjusted his clothing and stood arms out as if to say "Ok, I'm ready". However, this was the difficult part. Most Nekos have problems with baths or showers but he really needed one since he hadn't cleaned since I got him so I had to ask.

"Benji, are you okay with baths or showers?"
He looked at me with fear slowly snatching his expressions. I knew it.
"I had a feeling but it is necessary." I thought as he grew scareder.
"It's ok baby, I don't know what happened previously to you but I promise I won't do that same. We can do everything as your own pace and how you like it, you just must be cleaned." He found a notepad I placed in every room for easier access and scribbled something down. I took it and read : 'Bath with me?'. He wanted me to bathe with him. To be honest, if it gets him clean, its worth it. So I nodded and said ok and we headed back upstairs to the shower/bath combo. I turned the taps on to start running hot water and while waiting for it to warm and fill. I taught Benji how to brush his teeth, he did it well but missed a few teeth so I did the once over and stopped. The bath was filled now so I dipped my arm in to check the temperature, a little hot so I pumped more cold in.

However, he still seemed very wary so I squirted some bubbles bath into the mix, swirled and watched it swell and overflow with bubbles. Benji stepped back as they neared close but I held his shoulder and edged him closer. He eventually stepped into a puddle of them and laughed as they left weird sensations as they popped. His smile was so cute and an unfortunate rarity but his laugh was angelic. The most heart warming sound I had ever heard.

"Do you want to get in now?" He edged closer to the mass expanse of foamy bubbles. He slowly shed his clothes still fixated on the bubbles. Once he was naked, I expected he'd wait a bit but no he plunged one leg in wincing at the sudden temperature change but quickly enjoyed it as he stepped in fully. He blew and swished and fanned bubbles everywhere before finally laying down in the water. He was smiling exuberantly as I got on my knees and reached for his hair. He suddenly stopped and turned to me with a frown. He pointed to me and then pointed to the tub. Ah, I forgot what I agreed to. So I stood up, turned around and stripped as well. I then climbed into the tub backwards to only show my butt and quickly submerged myself to the safety of under the bubbles.

We were facing each other and as I looked up at him, he blew a massive plume of bubbles straight into my hair and face. He laughed jubilantly and I laughed to. What was it with his laugh. So uplifting and upbeat from such a scared and scarred little guy. I quickly washed him and myself as we both just sat there playing with the dissipating bubbles until his eyes locked on me, or more my translucent lower half once covered by bubbles but now not. I quickly covered myself with embarrassment as he starred off into space.

"The waters getting a little cold so we should probably dry off" It was actually. So we got out, quickly covering ourselves with towels and dried off and returned to the couch. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife but neither acted.... Yet!
Cheers to insomniac writing. Sorry for the length and kinda vanilla ness of this chapter. FINALLY NAMED NEW MASTER. What did you guys think, Leo? Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT, LOVE AND VOTES. I never expected so many people to enjoy these but thank you. I will try to respond to all comments quickly so please feel free to message me. And if anyone found this chapter extremely descriptive, we were learning descriptive writing today so still in the mindset so Yh, hope you guys don't mind. And finally, Sorry for the late chapter, my love life is starting to spark up so I was busy contemplating that so Yh sorry but still got it out before the end of the month so minor success. Anyway, thank you for all the support, votes and comments, please send more and hope you enjoyed reading. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, Good night, Good Day. Anytime, goodbye.

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