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Benji's POV

I couldn't believe how much fun I'd just had in the bath. Previous encounters with water were not fun at all. But this was so different. The bubbles were so fun to pop and blow around, they were like floating water. They were really pretty as well. And New Master stayed to his word, I knew he would. He didn't hurt me, hit me, or try to drown me. He just played with me. He was so kind. He is so kind. And then I ruined it... Why did it look at it? Why didn't I just keep playing?

Now we're just sat on the couch, staring at the TV screen. Neither one of us had said a word since we got out. New Master hadn't even looked at me since. I'd messed up, again. I can't stop myself. I always do. But what do I do now? Do I say something or not? I'm never any good at explaining stuff so I'll probably make things worse. I should just shut up.


We've been watching TV for what seems like hours now. He still hasn't looked at me or said a word. I keep peering at him and he has no reaction, like I don't exist. I really annoyed him. I eventually accepted he wasn't going to interact with me so I actually watched TV. The show had lots of animals on it, their was an old man commentating. He was describing this spotted cat. It was yellow and really slim. It was prowling around in super long grass which stood taller than it. It kept showing goat like things, but it's horns were much bigger and it was beige with black and white patterning. The cat was stalking the goat. The cat got closer and closer to the grazing goat, it got ready to pounce. I was on the edge of my seat, truly fixated on the situation.

It then jumped straight at the goat, but the goat was extremely quick and ran out of the way. As the cat jumped, I jumped to my feet clenching my fists with tension. The chase began, the goat bolted of faster than I'd ever seen. However, the cat blasted off! They raced through the tall grass, so many near misses. I was practically standing on the screen, I didn't even realise I'd been edging closer and closer, still closed fist. Tense music was shouting out the TV, the old man seemed almost excited as he closely described every movement. And then... finally the cat sunk its claws into the rump of the goat, throwing it to the ground. My mouth dropped and I stared closely. The big cat tore flesh away and feasted as the goat just laid there, still breathing so still alive but lifeless otherwise. Why didn't it get up and run again? The old man kept muttering on as extreme sadness for the goat grew inside me. I felt very conflicted; as a half cat, half human, I should be on the cats side. But the cold, given up eyes of the goat made me feel so sorry for it.

The picture then changed to a different one. I turned around to walk to the couch, but New Master was starring at me. Cogs were turning behind his eyes while his face showed a happy, adorified expression. All previous emotion flushed away, and joy surfaced. He was looking at me and smiling. But what was he thinking about?
"Are you ok, sweetie?" He spoke to me, best of all to ask me how I was. I rapidly nodded.
"You sure? You seemed very tense then." I picked the nearest notepad and wrote : I felt bad for the goat. And handed it to him. He read it; "Goat? You mean Gazelle?" I shrugged. "Well, yes these programs usually make you sorry for the prey" They count the goat - I mean Gazelle - as 'prey'. That didn't make me feel any better for it. It made me feel worse.

I sat next to him and cuddled into his side. He wrapped an arm around me and squeezed gently. He kissed the top of my head as well.
"It's alright kitten, he'll be in a better place now where he won't be threatened by any predator ever again."
"Well, after we die, we go to a space somewhere where anything possible and we get to live our best life. In the gazelles case, it may be an open plain of grass with his gazelle friends where him and his friends can graze all day freely."
Sounds boring.
"It's probably will be for us."

Did I do bad again?
He read it and didn't respond immediately, he just stared at it confusedly. "You haven't done anything wrong. When could you 'ave."
In the bath, you were different afterwards and didn't talk to me or look at me.
"Oh honey! That wasn't something you had done, it was just - actually never mind. It definitely wasn't you, it was me, I was just very interested in the film."
He was clearly going to say something but didn't. He hiding something from me. I didn't like it. But he seemed rather conserved about it so I decided not to push. New Master then glanced down at his watch. "Oh my, is that the time? It's time for bed sweetheart." I groaned in response.

Leo's POV

"Oh my, is that the time? It's time for bed sweetheart." Benji just groaned in response. I got up anyway and he reluctantly followed me upstairs. We reached my bedroom and I undressed into Pyjamas while Benji just undressed into underwear and hopped under the covers still very energised. I flopped under the covers as well and turned to Benji. I leaned in to kiss him on the head but he quickly turned and kissed me on the lips quickly. He laughed in response mockingly. He was back into child phase and I'm not complaining, it adorable and I finally got to hear his laugh once again and see his smile as well.
"Well now you've just awoken the tickle monster" I smiled edging closer with dancing fingers. He screamed happily and laughed out of the bed. I did the same and chased after him.
At 11 o'clock at night, I was chasing my dear Kitten around the house. What has happened to me? I chuckled at myself internally.
After awhile I caught him and pinned him to the floor tickling him everywhere. He was laughing contagiously as I was laughing to. He was squirming trying to get my hands away. It then hit me. He may take this the wrong way, he may think I'm trying to hurt him. I stopped immediately as he sat up catching his breath still gleaming, however I was crouched with an extremely worried face watching his expression trying to read him. He then just launched at me and wrapped his arms and legs around me. His force was strong enough to push me back onto my back. He laid on top of me, looking at me with an expression saying gotcha! It wiped my worries away and I laughed again. He didn't laugh though, his expression had changed to nothingness, unreadable. I was terrified I had scared him.

He edged his face closer to mine, I was a bit confused. He then planted his lips on mine. Nothing more than that, just laying on top of mine awaiting permission. Instead, I took charge and grasped the back of his neck as I opened my mouth trying to pry his lips open. He allowed and I slipped my tongue in. We closed eyes and made out on the floor of my living room. Eventually, we stopped and I picked him up and carried him upstairs... to my bedroom!

This is a long early released chapter as a celebration for reaching 2,000 reads. 🎉🎊 Thank you so much ☺️. I honestly never expected it to get this popular and I appreciate every single one of you 2,000 and all those to come. So yes hopefully you enjoyed this extended chapter. By the way, this won't be replacing the usual chapter schedule, there will still be one coming out around the 27th. (That's when I try and get the new chapters out by). Absolutely ecstatic about it, can't thank you enough. Hopefully you all are enjoying. Also, kind reminder, comments are welcome whether they are constructive criticism or just support and votes are greatly appreciated but it's your life, so do what you want. Anyway, bye bye and have a good day. 😁

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