18 | ➳ we kissed

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chapter 18:
we kissed

lee heuris pov;

"th-that wasnt me—"
"heuri. there's literally no point of lying to me now. you two have suddenly been chatting so much, you seem to be hiding things, you came out of his car. what is going on? and dont tell me that you have no clue as to why chaerin has been down."

i was blank. the weight that has been pushing me down had pushed down harder. i just sat there, staring into jungkooks eyes.

"im sorry." i say.
"i need more than that heuri!" he says with annoyance.

i couldnt do it anymore. "we kissed!"

i felt my guilt rising up.

"you guys kissed?" he says. "as in you and taehyung?"

i nod as i watch him sat there. "when?"
"the day when the four of us went to the patbingsu cafe."

jungkook eyes somewhat started to water. "why did you let him kiss you?! i shouldn't have let you gone with him!"

i frown. "what IF he kissed me? whats wrong with that?!"
"HE HURT YOU HEURI. why is it so hard to understand that he isn't the one for you?! has it not been obvious that i've been trying my best to show you that im the one for you?!"

i widen my eyes. "wha—"
"i give up. heuri, i told you to make wise decisions. you know taehyung is with chaerin, you know that taehyung has hurt you in the past and who knows? probably until now. what else have you not seen?"

i sat there.
"but nevermind that. after all you were clueless about jimin" he continues.
"dont you dare bring jimin into this!"

jungkook scoffs. "well am i wrong?! all because of you being so blind and clueless, everyone is slowly distancing themselves from you! i told you to make good decisions but yet here you are! when will you ever realise he isn't good for you?!"

"what did you say?"

a voice was suddenly heard from behind.

"taehyung? what are you doing here?" i say.

taehyung walks towards jungkook as i see them staring at each other with anger.

"why are you shouting at heuri?!" taehyung shouted.
"why did you kiss her?!" jungkook shouted back.

"this clearly isn't about me." taehyung responded.
"it clearly is. you've hurt her for a really long time and you somewhat decided to come and take her back? come on bro." jungkook shouted.

i stand up. "guys please sto—"
"jungkook, you knew that was my intention! you helped me get in kookmin university because you knew i wanted to come here for heuri! and yet, you basically took her away from me!"
"you're not good enough for her. so just stop trying." jungkook says.

"wait what? jungkook, you knew taehyung was gonna go to kookmin university?" i ask as jungkook licks his lips, licking off the tension.
"uh yes but after i helped, i realised that it was a bad idea but it was too late." he says as i frown.

"but you knew that if i ever saw taehyung anywhere, i would be hurt."
jungkook scoffs. "either way, he still hurt you even though you both saw each other."

i was so confused and done with everything. "im going home."
"heuri wait!" taehyung shouted as he grabs my wrist.

i push his hand off and turned around. "YOU TWO JUST STOP. im over this! im over all of it! i can't deal with all this anymore and i just want to go home. im sorry."

i walk off, heading back to the dorm room.

kim taehyungs pov;

i watch heuri walk away as i was left with jungkook.
"really? i took heuri away from you? is that the excuse you're really going to use?" i hear jungkook argue.

"yes jungkook. ever since i saw you two getting alot more closer, i knew she would want you more."
jungkook scoffs. "what are you saying?!"

"you helped me get into kookmin university, correct? and ever since i heard that i got in, ive been trying to hang out with heuri just to get back close again but what happened? you two have been hanging alot more, every time i try to hang with her she wasnt home because she was with you. do you understand what im trying to say?" i argued back, i was frustrated and i just couldn't bare to deal with all of this.

"so then you decided to hurt her afterwards by getting a new girlfriend already just because of your assumptions?!" jungkook shouted.

"i was angry and then after i saw you two in chaerin and heuri's dorm room, apparently you are heuris boyfriend? i got more annoyed! don't you see as to why i was like this?!" i added.

jungkook stayed silent.

"understand that i reacted to certain things for a reason. i did not find a new girl because i was over heuri or that i gave up or that i wanted to hurt her. i did it because i was trying to move on because she seemed happier with you."
jungkook scoffs. "well thats where you're wrong."

i frown. "huh?"
"because clearly she is still inlove with you."

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