Chapter 53

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John's POV

"ANGIE! Come get your child before he ends up eating shit he's not supposed to!" I heard Phillip scream from the kitchen. "HE'S GONNA EAT THE CEREAL ON THE FLOOR."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. Lex was indulged in a book on the couch opposite of me. Weekends....they're never quiet in this household. But after 19 years, you learn how to drown it out.

"Bitch, I'm coming." Angelica entered the kitchen, Marie on her hip. She sat the baby down in her highchair and grabbed Easton. "All you had to do was pick him up, Pip."

After Marie was born, let's just say Angelica became less soft. Honestly it was the arc we've all been waiting for. Angie is now 18 and Pip is 19.

Pip just finished his freshman year at college and is living at home till the next scholastic year starts. Angie is about to graduation as valedictorian of her class. Alex and I are extremely proud of her. She is finishing top of her class with not one, but TWO kids.

"Angie your two year is a monster." I glanced into the kitchen to see what the fuss was about. Phillip had oatmeal flung onto his face and Angelica was giggling.

"Easton be nice to your uncle." She continued feeding Marie. Sweet little Marie was now 10 months old and was spoiled. Probably because she's the only female besides Angelica in the family.

"Lexie look in the kitchen." He peered up from his book and looked.

"Those kids." He laughed. He closed his book, removed his glasses, and got up. Within 5 seconds, he was curled up next to me on the couch. "Hey." He looked up me.

I smiled. "Hey." We've come so far in our relationship that words weren't needed sometimes. I knew what he was saying and he knew what I was saying just by looking at each other. I would do anything for this man. My 45 year old body is in enough shape that I could beat someone up for it.

Our moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Angie can you grab that?" Alex shouted.

"Yeah!" We heard her respond. She walked through the living room to the front door. "Awww." Was all we heard. It was obviously Nathaniel. To confirm that statement, just a few seconds later, Nathaniel and Angie both entered the living room. Angelica now had a bouquet of white roses in her arm.

"Hey Uncle Alex. Hey Uncle John." Nathaniel smiled and waved. Lex and I smiled and said our hellos back.

"Nathaniel got me a pre-graduation gift." Angie was under her boyfriend's arms, holding the flowers close to her. She turned to look at him. "Marie and Easton are in the kitchen. As Pip says, Easton's being a monster today sooooo be prepared."

The couple walked off and it was just Alex and I again. Easton and Marie still lived here with Angie and us. However, soon they won't. Nathaniel's been living in their house for a year now. It's fully furnished and Angelica sometimes stays over there with him. There's been a few weeks where she's even sent the kids to stay there. I don't blame her. She deserves a break sometimes. Being a young mom is hard.

"John, I asked if you wanted to go to the store with me today?" Lex snapped me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah let me go get dressed. I assume we're getting stuff for the party." Lex nodded. Angelica's graduation was in 5 days and we planned on throwing a party after the event.

In the Hamilton-Laurens household, we take graduations very seriously. Hell, my dad was even coming up from South Carolina, just as he did for Phillip's graduation.

Alex and I are very proud of our kiss. We've had a rough couple of years but I wouldn't trade it for the world. There's nothing I love more than my husband and my 2 beautiful kids.

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