Chapter 40

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Daniel's POV
"Phillip." It was a sunny, 66° day in New York and Phillip and I were at the wharf.

"Yeah?" He turned his attention from the water to me.

"You know how I'm in ROTC?" I took a breath and held his hand. "I've been talking to some recruiters. I think I'm gonna join the Navy after high school."

Phillip hugged me tightly. He clenched my shirt and didn't pull away. "You still wanna be with me in the future?"

"Yes, god yes!" I pulled him off me and held his face. "Phillip, think about it. You and me and our children, traveling the world."

"But, my sister." He frowned. "Danny, I can't leave leave her."

"I know. Which is why I'd stay here in New York. I'm not going the Army so I won't be going off to Afghanistan." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "Would you still be with me if I joined the military?"

"Yes. I never wanna leave you." Phillip smiled. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he leaned his head on my shoulder. "You wouldn't be fighting on battlefields right?"

"No, baby." I rubbed his arm. "I'd make sure I'm safe from gunfire so I can come home and see your beautiful face everyday. Besides, there are jobs in the Navy that don't require me to work on a ship a lot. And there's a Naval base here in New York."

"Never leave me." Phillip mumbled.

"I won't, baby. I'm here, always."

"Live my house, I'll be your shelter. Just pay me back with one thousand kisses. Be my lover and I'll cover you." Phillip started to sing.

"Open your door, I'll be your tenant. Don't got much baggage to lay at your feet. But sweet kisses I've got to spare. I'll be there and I'll cover you." I continued.

"I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love. Now I know you can rent it, a new lease, you are my love."  We sang together. I pulled him up and spun him around. He giggled and smiled.

"On life, be my life." I grinned. "Just slip me on, I'll be your blanket. Wherever, whatever, I'll be your coat." Our voices together were perfect.

"You'll be my king and I'll be your castle." He said.

"No, you'll be my queen and I'll be your moat." I replied.

"I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love. Now I know you can rent it, a new lease, you are my life. On life, be my life."

"I've longed to discover, something as true at this is. So with a thousand sweet kisses."

"If you're cold and you're lonely." He sang.

"I'll cover you."

"You've got one nickel only."

"I'll cover you."

"With a thousand sweet kisses." Phillip kissed my cheek and smiled.

"When you're worn out and tired." I sang happily.

"I'll cover you." He jumped off the park bench into my arms.

"When your heart has expired." I spun around.

"I'll cover you."

"Oh, lover. I'll cover you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, lover, I'll cover you." We finished singing and I kissed  him deeply.

"That was so much better than Rent live." I held his face and put his feet on the ground.

"You have a beautiful voice." Phillip complimented. "Such a shame you're a jock." He fake pouted. I laughed.

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