Chapter Eighteen

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-•Sorry I never post•-
I realize that I always start posting new chapters whenever I get new readers lol. It just makes me feel bad when you guys love the book so much but it's not even finished.

If you read my other stories, you might notice that I have my own visual representation of "Y/n".

I drew this picture of this story's "Y/n" months ago. (Looking at it now I don't like it anymore, lol) I like to do this because it gives me a little more of a visual while writing her character.

You might picture her as yourself, or an OC, or maybe you don't think too much about what she looks like at all. I never mention her having curly, long, or blonde hair, or her skin tone, or eye color, or even the specific flavor of her favorite cake, because I want to leave it up to you to imagine Y/n's appearance and favorite things. (Without placing F/F, S/C, H/C every other sentence, that crap gets old)

What do you imagine Y/n looks like in this story? :3

It was finally Friday. Everyone woke up that morning and immediately started texting each other about the party. Kevin was calling all of his friends and double checking who was going to show up. Kenny made pancakes for Karen, casually discussing party plans with his older brother whenever he wasn't on the phone. Their mother easily heard them talking about it from the couch, but she was much more interested in messing around with her new cell-phone.

Stan sat at the breakfast table with his lame family, and already he kept catching himself staring at the time, impatiently waiting for school to just be done and over with. Randy went on and on about a new weed strain he was working on, and Sharon only wanted to talk about Shelly getting her braces removed. He just wanted to get fucked up already.

Kyle was daydreaming about all of the possible things that could happen that night. To his surprise, none of those things seemed to turn out bad in his head. He wasn't even afraid of getting caught with drugs and alcohol. All he could think about was having fun.

Wendy and Bebe were dropped off at school around the same time, early in the morning, as per usual. They chatted about what they were going to wear, and if they should match or not. They whispered and giggled about how they could make Stan throw a tantrum once he was white girl-wasted.

Cartman sat next to Butters on the bus. He reminded him of their plan again. Butters rolled his eyes and agreed once more, but only because he was starting to get really excited about going to the party.

Y/n watched her parents argue in the driveway, next to the giant black camper. She forgot what the argument was even about. Her mother kept bringing up random issues to change the subject. She stared Diana in the eyes once her face snapped towards her.

"I swear, if I hear about you doing anything stupid in this thing, you'll never see the light of day again." She told her.

"Yes, ma'am." Y/n stated bluntly, watching her father storm off towards the car. She reluctantly followed him, eyeing the glorious vehicle beside her. She, too, prayed that nothing stupid would happen.

"Guys, we need to make sure we get to the camp sight before five-thirty." Kenny peaked his head over the back seat and told his two friends behind him.

"Well, yeah, that's when we were told to show up, right?" Stan said.

"Yeah, I know, but Kevin said that anyone who doesn't show up at five-thirty on the dot, they won't end up making it to the party." He explained.

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora