Chapter Fourteen

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"Kevin's throwing a party on the mountain?" Kyle questioned.

"Dude, killer!" Stan said, sipping from his milk carton.

"How'd he get you to let him do that? Doesn't he have to help pay rent?" Kyle laughed.

"Well, he said I can bring any of my friends." Kenny explained, making Stan choke on his milk a little.

"Woah, really? Kevin's never let us come to one of his parties. You, maybe, but not us." Kyle said.

"Yeah, but things have really changed since I put pet-store scorpions in his sleeping bag for saying he wasn't going help with the rent last week." Kenny smirked.

"Oh that makes sense." Kyle nodded.

"So... what kind of party is this going to be?" Stan asked.

"Dude, it's gonna be a legit party. I'm talking drugs, alcohol, girls. Maybe cocaine." Kenny said.

"Are you serious?!" Stan gawked.

"Yeah. But there is a catch." Kenny began.

"Wait. You're dumb asses are going to a real party?" Cartman butted in out of nowhere.

"Yeah, dude. It's gonna be me and Stan's first real one! But Stan, you gotta promise you won't let me get too fucked up." Kyle said.

"Only if you promise to help me get as fucked up as possible." Stan smiled, making Kyle playfully roll his eyes.

"Kahl, I'm surprised you're not being a total Jew about drinking real liquor." Cartman stared at him.

"Yeah, me too... but you know... lately I've been thinking a lot about taking more risks in life." Kyle smiled as his mind crossed the girl he was hardcore crushing on.

"That's the spirit, man." Kenny patted his back.

"Hell yeah, dude!" Stan smiled proudly at his friend. Cartman scoffed.

"Yeah! I mean, what could one night of shots do bad for me besides maybe a hangover the next morning?" Kyle said eagerly.

"Yeah right! You probably wouldn't drink more than a beer at a party like that!" Cartman claimed.

"Well... I know for sure I can't smoke, because if my mom finds out I went to a party she'll drug test me, and then murder me. But I think I can handle a few shots." Kyle told him.

"Oh yeah? Well when I go to that party I'm gonna do ten- no- twenty shots! And snort all the cocaine there!!" Cartman bragged.

"Who said you were going, fatass?" Stan glared at him.

"Me, fucktard!!" Cartman claimed.

"You can't just waltz in to Kenny's brother's party without Kenny's permission." Kyle said.

"Oh no, he can," Kenny said, making the three boys look at him, "If he brings a date."

"A date?!" Cartman's jaw dropped.

"A date?" Kyle and Stan looked confused.

"Yeah. It was one of Kevin's regulations. You know, since there's gonna be a whole lot of people fuckin'. I have to bring one, Stan has to bring one... Kyle has to bring one," He nudged Kyle, making his ears go red as he giggled towards the table, "And of course, Cartman would have to bring one."

"Where am I supposed to find a date at this hour of the day?!" Cartman screamed.

"You have four days till this weekend, tubby. Plenty of time to find some unlucky girl to take with you. And if you don't show up with one, Kevin won't let you touch the goodies." Kenny shrugged. Cartman growled in frustration.

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now