Chapter Sixteen

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Hey guys, sorry for the slow updates. It's not because I'm super busy, it's just because I haven't been working on this story very often. I said a while ago that I might take a break from "Flawed" to focus on writing a different story, but I never wrote the other story lol. No, I'm not going to stop writing this one, and I'll start the other one eventually, but I'm sure you don't care much about my personal project. If you'd like me to update more frequently, your comments and support can go a long way! I read all of them, and I try to reply to most, if not, all of them. Anyway, here ya go!


Y/n stood there, frozen in the kitchen as her parents argued in front of her. All she had told her Dad over the phone was;

"Dad, can you come home? I need to talk to you."

He told her he'd be there right away, but as soon as he walked through the door and saw Y/n and her mother screaming at each other about Y/n's secret phone, he had some screaming of his own to do.

"Diana, then explain to me why our daughter looks like she just crawled out of an abandoned building!" Drew yelled at his wife.

"I told you, I don't know where the hell she was all day!!" Diana would yell back. Y/n hadn't had the chance to put in her own word since her Father walked through the door. She just watched them scream over each other's words. Her mother twisted the both of their claims around constantly, leading back, over and over again to a dead end in the argument.

"Fine! Just shut up for a second!!" Drew finally yelled at her and took a deep breath as he turned to his daughter, "Y/n. Sweetie... Please tell Daddy where you ran off to all day, honey."

"Drew, you're really going to ask HER?! The one who deliberately disobeyed her grounding rules?!" Diana questioned him.

"You're not in trouble, Sweetheart. Just tell Daddy where you went today, and this will all be resolved." He said as Diana continued to squawk in his ear. She felt like a toddler again. The way her father baby talked her like she was stupid, and how her mother would yell at him, trying to explain how she's so stupid she can't understand him.

"Do you ever want her to get her behavior straight?! Don't you understand that we need to take more drastic measures as PARENTS, Drew? She's clearly out of control-"

"I was at the pond all day." Y/n blurted out, finally causing the chaos to instantly go silent. Her mother stared at her with wonder in her eyes.

"That's it. I just... snuck out to the pond because I was feeling trapped, and fell in the mud, and I was too embarrassed to go to school... And I knew I'd get in trouble if I came back home, so..." She bit her tongue after her lie hit the table. Her eyes were glued to the floor because she hated lying to her Dad, especially about something like this... but she knew it would get them to stop fighting, and more importantly, it would get him to stop talking to her like that. Drew let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Okay... well, honey... next time you feel this way, talk to us and we can arrange something to help you feel better. Clearly you think that this grounding is too unfair, so... I think we should let loose a little." Drew stated, subconsciously glancing at his wife for approval. Y/n perked her head up and looked at him again.

"What on Earth are you talking about?" Diana questioned him in a low tone.

"Well, ahem... honey, how I see it is that if Y/n is rebelling against our authority, it's probably because she feels too smothered by it. I think she'd do a little better if we... you know... gave one of her privileges back so she doesn't feel so uh... trapped? Like she said, right?" Drew smiled at his daughter, who frantically nodded in agreement.

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now