Chapter Twenty

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The night was creeping in. Stan and Kenny returned with their shovels, just to be faced with a crowd of rowdy freshman. They were already screaming and laughing, and there were broken bottles and crushed cans on the ground.

"We were gone for ten minutes!" Stan exclaimed.

"Uh, you mean half an hour. When we got back, all of your dumb friends already drank all the
Liquor Kevin dished out!" Katy whined, shoving Clyde away by the face when she noticed him walking towards her.

"Stan! Kenny! Buddies, your back!" Kyle grinned with his arms stretched out. He wrapped them in a wobbly hug, and the two boys with the shovels looked at each other.

"Dude, you are not that drunk." Kenny sighed.

"What did you have? One Mike's lemonade?" Stan rolled his eyes as he helped his friend to his feet.

"I had," Kyle burped, "Four." He started to giggle. Stan's jaw dropped.

"Four? Already?" He exclaimed. He noticed how red Kyle's face was, and his eyes were glossed over.

"You should've seen him! He chugged every single one." Tolkien laughed.

"Damn, Kyle. You better be careful dude, or you're gonna get more drunk than you can handle." Stan said.

"Oh, wudda you know, Stan?" Kyle glared at him, sassily placing his hands on his hips. Stan scoffed.

"More than you, dumbass. This isn't my first time drinking." He said, shoving him slightly, just to watch him stumble.

"Alright, Kyle, you're a lightweight, maybe you should take a teeny tiny little break." Kenny chuckled, shoving the shovel into his friend's arms, "Now start digging." Kyle looked down at the shovel in his hands for a moment, wobbling in place.

"Dig what?" He asked.

"That—" Stan glared and pointed at the giant fire stain in the grass.

"Oh... okay." He smiled, walking over to get started. He shoved the head of the shovel into the dirt in a crooked fashion, and stuck out his butt as he struggled to push it deeper.

"Wow... what, is he trying to impress you or something? Because you need to act more like it's cringe and you hate it." Stan looked at Y/n and pointed at her.

"You're one to speak." She giggled, crossing her arms at him, making him glare at her, "He's having fun! I'm not going to be the lame-ass who tells him to stop!"

"But it's Kyle! He wanted us to make sure he's okay tonight!" Stan told her, causing her smile to shrink a little as she watched him fumble around with the shovel like an idiot.

"Okay... maybe he should slow down a little." She shrugged.

"Thank you!" Stan nodded at her. She rolled her eyes at him, and looked over when Kevin came laughing out of the RV.

"Here," she walked up and took one of the four full bottles of hard liquor from his hand, which happened to be a bottle of raspberry Svedka. Kevin hardly noticed her take it as he shouted back to his friends within the vehicle. She handed it to Stan, "Your turn to party. Just don't let Kyle see it."

"They brought more alcohol?" Kyle grinned as a half-drunk Clyde attempted to wrestle the shovel out of his hands.

"Okay, scratch that, just don't let him drink it!" Y/n laughed, quickly shoving the bottle into his arms.

"Roger that." Stan rolled his eyes. He and Kenny finally got a chance to take turns guzzling down some poison. Stan turned and handed the bottle to his depressed-looking sister, who hadn't moved from her spot on the ground next to the camper. She glared at him, then snatched the bottle to take a long, deep drink. She coughed and wiped her face as she handed it back to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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