Chapter Eleven

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"So. What do you guys think?" Kenny twirled around in his new living room after giving his friends the tour of his two-bedroom apartment.

"It's small." Cartman critiqued.

"It's really nice, though." Kyle smiled at the thrift store, floral-patterned couch in the corner of the room.

"For your family." Cartman rolled his eyes.

"Thanks. Yeah, Karen's really excited about it." He smiled.

"So... how do you fit your whole family in this tiny space?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, do you, like, share a room with your siblings and your parents have there own room?" Kyle questioned.

"Oh, no way! Kevin's a compulsive masturbator, I'd never let him sleep in the same room as Karen. It's actually pretty simple. My mom and Karen share a room, My Dad sleeps on the couch, Kevin sleeps on the floor right there, and I have a room to myself." Kenny shrugged.

"Oh. How'd you get them to follow that dynamic?" Kyle asked.

"It's actually kinda fun. I'm like the mafia. If my Dad or Kevin don't pay me for the rent once a month and do whatever I say, I beat them with a baseball bat, or like, tazer them or something." He shrugged.

"Oh. Nice." Kyle smiled.

"Yeah. They act like they can fuck with me, but when it comes to down to it, they usually don't have the coordination to fight back very well. You know... because they're both always drunk. Anyway, I had my mom sign a contract that allows an attorney to call for someone to come evict them if we don't want them in the house anymore." Kenny said, grabbing a duster to feather some random vase he also found at the thrift shop.

"And you paid for all of this?!" Cartman glared at him.

"How much money do you have left?" Stan asked as they started walking towards his new room.

"I'm down to about ten thousand... but as long as my mom, and hopefully my stupid Dad and brother, helps to bring in money for the bills, we should be fine for a long time." He said.

"Aha!! So the ring wasn't fake?!" Cartman pointed at him as they stopped in his room.

"No fatass. But it doesn't matter, because I already cashed it in. And I have it locked up. Where not even my family could find it." Kenny said. Cartman grumbled something under his breath.

Kyle's phone began to ring as they all sat down on Kenny's twin-sized mattress.

"Who's that?" Stan asked as his friend pulled it out of his pocket.

"Oh... it's Katy." He said, staring at the face-time app ringing on his phone.

"Damn, you must be starting to really like that girl, huh?" Stan smiled at him.

"I guess... I mean, she's nice. She just talks a lot." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"That must mean she really likes you." Kenny wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yeah?" Kyle said, finally answering the call.

"Kyle!" She smiled at the camera.

"Hey cutie." He smiled back.

"Oh my god, you won't believe what Angelina just told me about Chad." She said.

"Oh really?" He replied. She started going off about it, saying something about how he's been texting them all, trying to figure out why Lily wouldn't talk to him.

"How's it going with Lily, Stan?" Kenny asked quietly.

"Eh. It's okay. I really don't think she's that interested in me, though," He shrugged, "What about Lady?"

Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x Reader :||: South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now