Chapter 12

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Every Tear Has Its Cause - Chapter 12

*Bella's POV*

After Alice's heart felt lecture last week I've been making sure to be extra careful when doing literally anything. It's proven to work as I've only walked in to one door frame (I had a bruise on my forehead for like 3 days) and accidentally smashed a plate when at Jacob's which I ended up falling on and getting ceramic in my hand.

Its safe to say that when Jacob dropped me off at the Cullen house only minutes after it happened, no one was very impressed by my bloody swollen hand.

But this was an improvement to how I would be before Alice's lecture, so I think everyone was grateful for it in some ways. Even Mike and Angela and Ben had noticed that I was trying to be less clumsy though they didnt understand the motivation behind it.

Alice was still somewhat ignoring me which honestly hurt more than my hand did. Rosalie said that she just needed more time but to a human, a week is a long time.

I tried to stop thinking about Alice and focus on the road as I was driving back to La Push to visit Jacob. The weather had a natural, earthy smell following a week of non stop raining. The sea had finally claimed and the sky was becoming brighter. The Cullens were heading North to hunt today and didn't like the idea of me being alone, even if I would have been around other humans. Though some (Jasper and Rose) didn't quite trust all of the wolves, they trusted Jacob enough to keep me alive and so I could go and visit however often I liked.

"Bellaaaaa, where the hell have you been loca?" I heard as a smirking Jacob came prancing towards me. His skin, though I wasnt sure it was possible, had become even more sun kissed than usual.

"Hey wolf boy. Whats with the stupid look on your face?" If it was possible, Jake seemed to be smiling even more. He looked just like an excited puppy.

"Well your vampire oracle can't see what we do when you're with me right?  Like it messes up her vision?" His grin grew wider.

I nodded, unsure but excited to know where this was going.

"Well come on then! I have the best idea for how to spend our day. Paul and Embry are gonna join too if thats cool." As he spoke, two insanely tall, muscular men stepped out from behind the trees.

"Hey Bella. Glad you're at the res." A deep voice called. Embry waved as he came closer.

Paul kept his distance, our relationship still a tense one.

"Hello Bella."

"Hey Paul. Its er nice to see you?" I said, though it sounded like a question.

Paul gave a faint smile, the type you give to passers-by, "er yea you too."

"Okkkkkaaayyyy. Now thats finished, can we please go already!" Embry laughed, shoving against an awkward Paul.

"Wait is some one going to tell me what's going on or not?" Jake only laughed and shook his head.

"Its a surprise Vampire girl."

"I hate surprises."

I only hoped that what ever the wolves had planned wouldn't lead me to breaking my promise to the Cullens, or to any broken bones.

A:/N, Hi all, thank you for coming back and reading. Again its been a hot minute. Im not going to promise another chapter soon because I'm just too forgetful. Maybe come back in a few months and there might be a new chapter? Who knows😂😂😂

But anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed,
LJ x

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