Chapter 1

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Every Tear Has Its Cause ~ 1

Word count: 646

***Bella's POV***

Prom was just around the corner now. Today was a dreary Monday with not a lot going on. But I prefered the dreary days to those where the sun is shining. It means that I get to stay with my beautiful girlfriend, Rosalie Hale-Cullen.
In just two more weeks I will be given the opportunity to stay by her side for ever. And if you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. Because soon I will become a vampire and join the Cullen family properly. The only problem is that the family has become divided and distraught.
Esme and Carlisle Cullen's son, Edward, hasn't came home since he found out me and Rosalie had gotten together. There's here-say that he is with the Denalis but no one actually knows for sure. When Emmett and Jasper tried to visit them, the Denali clan weren't there. The boys swept through the entirety of Alaska only to come home empty handed. According to Jasper "It was as if they were never there to start with."
Edward's disappearing act has got all the Quileutes on edge. Jacob and Sam have come to an agreement and are working together to protect not only the Quileutes but also all of Forks. Billie has warned Carlisle that if there is to be a fight, then Edward would not be spared.
Carlisle has been contacting all of his 'relatives' trying to find his son. Many of Carlisle and Esme's friends have decided that it is safer to stay with the Cullens. So far, the Amazon's are the only coven to arrive safely. Alice has seen that a great number of Vampires are swarming in both Brazil and in the larger States of America.
Hearing this, more covens and rouge vampires are steadily making their way to Forks. All those who are staying with the Cullens have agreed to work with the werewolves and not get to tear each others heads off. Which is a positive I guess.
However, both werewolf and vampire alike have become tense and alert. It's almost as if they're preparing for a war. A war we might not make through.
No one knows what Edward is planning next, not even Alice. That alone proves that he is up to something or else Alice would be able to see the decisions he chooses to make.

Charlie has said that the police department have decided to class Edward as a missing persons so they have sent out search parties. my Dad thinks its the least he can do now that he knows the secret of Forks.

Every one has decided to also send out search parties. Carlisle, Esme and Jasper are in the office putting together different groups to give people the best chance at finding Edward and protecting each other.

Meanwhile, Emmett is trying to get one of the female vampires to be his date for prom. Alice is trying to convince Carlisle to let her throw a party and Jasper is trying to control his blood thirst so that he can actually try to enjoy prom with out risking almost everything, if Edward hasn't already done that himself.

Hey guys, I'm back. I feel like this chapter was short and a bit scrappy, but I promise it will get better. Those who read the first book to this series probably are used to the start being a bit ropey. Speaking of first books, if you haven't read the first book, 'Every Rose Has Its Thorns' then I suggest you read that only because it would make this book make sense.

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading, a new chapter will most likely be out in a few hours once I have gone through and edited it all. after that, chapters will hopefully come out every Saturday or Sunday.

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