Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Every Tear Has Its Cause

*Rosalie's POV*

The sounds of thunder clashed all around me as vampire collided with vampire. Edward and i were at each others throats, snarling, tearing and snapping. 

Carlisle fought hand to hand with Tanya, the eldest and the leader of the coven. I could hear their harsh dispute while i fought endlessly with the devil himself. To my right i found Emmett to be facing off with Garrett who seemed reluctant to fight. Alice was keeping Kate busy, following her through the trees, anticipating her every move. Jasper was locked in deadly combat with Carmen and Eleazar. 

The fight had only begun moments ago yet i could see out of the corner of my eye that Carlisle had formed some type of hurried agreement with Tanya who had ceased fighting. i could tell that she was still on edge however and knew that one wrong move on Carlisle's part would send her back in to a blood thirsty rage.

A marble fist collided with the upper right part of my head sending my neck snapping uncomfortably to the side. I wasn't sure that it would be possible to enrage me further and yet Edward had some how managed to send me in to even more of a fury. 

"How sad it is to see that you have lost your edge Rosalie. What happened to my cold heart'd bitch of a sister who would have never let her family act so rashly. An act that will no doubt lead to your slow, painful demise." He leered, only just managing to side step a fast upper cut.

"And what sister would that be Edward? I don't see any sister here, do you?" My lips stretched in to a snarl. I launched my fist, successfully landing a well deserved blow to his smug face.

"Come now Rose. don't you see that this can all be stopped and we can go back to being a family? All you need to do is hand over the girl. It's not that hard." I felt a wave of disgust ripple through the air which i knew was too powerful to be just my own. Jasper. 

"That girl has a name Edward. I wasn't sure you could be any bigger of a prick but consider me surprised." His smirk faltered for a moment as i grabbed him, sending him flying through the air. His body hit the ground with a sickening crunch which sounded painful even for a vampire. "I would never allow for Bella to fall in to the hands of a monster like you." 

The moment the word monster reached his ears i knew i had hit a nerve. Edward always had been sensitive about having a soul, about being a vampire, about being a monster. But now he was flaunting his true colours for all to see, the colours of a monster so horrifying even hell would try to send him away.

Before i could say anything more he was on his feet again, fists clenched tightly to his sides with his once hazel eyes swirling dangerously darker. I had him right where i wanted him. His back facing the tree line with his sole attention focused on me and only me.

Just then a brown wolf sprang from the dark, knocking over Garrett while another lunged for Kate, the only two Denalis left fighting. Seth and Quil kept them restrained while Jacob, Sam, Leah, Jared, Paul, Brady and Collin circled me and Edward, effectively blocking the others from view and minimizing Edward's chance to escape. 

"I. AM. NOT. A. MONSTER!" And just like that the dance of death continued on. 

We fought until the wolves began to press in on us and i knew that i would have to kill him now before they did. I could tell that Edward was trying to weigh up his options and look for the best way to get out. I took his hesitation to my advantage. I grabbed his arm and spun him round so his back was facing me. Linking my arms i secured them around his throat as my legs wrapped around his arms, successfully neutralizing him. A pang of guilt surged through me...


The fire was high and burning brightly. Thick ash billowed out as we said our tense good bye's to the Denali coven. 

"I am sorry to have brought this issue to your territory. I hope there is no bad blood between us." I said, shacking hands with Tanya. 

"No it is I who should be apologising to you my dear. I should have seen through Edward's lies and schemes. I am sorry." With a final good bye, i raced ahead of my family and Jacob's pack, desperate to get back to Bella, to hold her in my arms, to know she is safe and to finally be with her with out fear. 

A:/n Hello everyone! I hope that this chapter was as good as it was in my head XD while this would be a suitable place to end the story, i have a few more tricks up my sleeves. Watch this space! A new chapter will be coming very shortly as i have finally found the motivation to write a lot for this story. Following the next chapter i will attempt to post regularly as i have plenty of free time between editing my novel and preparing for college/sixth form so i plan to write a few chapters while i have the motivation so that even if i don't write for a while, there will still be chapters to upload. i would like to say a massive thank you to every one who has been so patient and eagerly awaited a new update, it astounds me every time i upload when people comment how much they enjoy this story so thank you for the support and the positivity.

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