Chapter 13

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Every Tear Has Its Cause - Chapter 13

*Jacob's PoV*

Recently, Embry and I had been testing out how strong we were by scaling the cliffs. Normally, the fun thing to do would be to jump off the cliffs, not climb them. But we wanted to see if we could make it all the way up, without our muscles tiring.

What we found instead was something epic.

While part of me reasoned that it was probably a foolish idea to bring Bella back to the cliffs, especially when her little blood sucker friend couldn't see what would happen to her, but another part of me longed for the recklessness we used to have around each other. The care free adventures we would have and the laughs that neither one of us faked for the others sake.

I wanted my Bella back, even if it was just for one day.

And so I decided to bring Bella, along with Embry and Paul, to the weird caves that we found when Rock climbing.

*Bella's POV*

"Ok Jake come on. Seriously just tell me where we are going. Or at least tell me what we're going to be doing. Please?" The boy in front of me only laughed.

"Remember that time we were counting our age? Because I do and if I recall correctly, technically I'm older. That means I dont have to tell you anything!" He turned towards me, another annoying smirk gracing his dopey face.

"Oh my god, you are such a child Jacob Black!" I lightly punched his arm, careful, remembering what happened the last time I punched a were wolf with all my power. Even with just the memory, my hand twinged with phantom pain.

"Don't worry Bella, ill keep you safe!" A younger, higher pitched voice called. I turned as we walked in to Jacob's garage, his bikes standing ready, to see Seth bounding towards us.

"Hi Seth, its so good to see you!" I said as I threw my arms around his thickening neck. He hugged me back with a matched level of enthusiasm.

"How are the Cullens?" He asked, a huge smile on his face. Since the fight in Alaska, Seth had become some what friends with the Cullens, especially Emmett. And just like with me, the family had sort of adopted him as another one of themselves. Plus Seth was the only one, other than Alice and Rose who was able to play against Emmett on his games and beat him.

"They're ok. Emmett misses you. I think he bought some new kind of racing game. Alice is already bored of it. Maybe you should go round one day and try it." The boy's face lit up with excitement.

"Oh yea! I love racing games."

"As much as I hate to break up this important discussion about the blood suckers" I smacked Jake's arm, "I mean the Cullens, what are you doing here Seth? Because no offence, but you weren't invited." Jake's own face had lost its grin and his eyes turned hard. What was his problem?

"Sorry about this Jake, really, but Alice felt it would be better if I tagged along with you and B today, you know, just incase." A sheepish smile replaced his one of excitement. A large tanned hand came up to scratch behind his neck. He was nervous. I dont blame him, the look Jake gave him, I was surprised he was still alive.

"Oh so the pale ones don't even trust Bella to hang out with her best friend now? Seriously? I cant be the only one who has a problem with this?" Jake looked around. No one jumped to his side. In fact Paul gave a rather nonchalant shrug, Embry was distracted by a rabbit in the forest line and Seth was just happy to be here, I dont think he cared what the reason was. "Apparently I am. Look can we just get to the cliffs before this day becomes any more depressing? Next thing you know, Sam and Leah will want to join us."

I wouldn't hold my breath on that one I thought. 

A:/N Hi all, I bet this comes as a surprise, a second update within days of the last one. Wow. I am astounded aha. If any one is interested in ghosts, me and my cousin revisited a haunted abandoned house where there was an awful murder case and managed to converse with the ghost. It was a terrifying experience but also so amazing. If you wouldn't mind checking out my video that would be so lovely.

I hope you all have an amazing day/night and that everyone is staying safe, especially in Washington DC at the moment. Stay safe, stay home. I love every single one of you.

Thank you for supporting me🥰
LJ x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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