Chapter 6

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Every Tear Has Its Cause ~ Chapter VI
Word Count: 814

*Edward Cullen*

She would come for me. Just like I knew she would. She would come for me. All I had to do was get inside her head. The easiest way to do so was to get at Bella. Rosalie's precious little mate. I hadn't wanted to hurt her. My sweet little Isabella Swan. That was never my intention, but when Tanya Denali suggested to me her excellent plan, I knew for a fact that it was fool proof. Rosalie's pride and whole persona was too arrogant to include the rest of our weak and feeble family, so I knew she would come alone.

All I needed was for her to entrust Isabella's safety to those mangy mutts and I could take her. She would be mine. They wouldn't stop me. They wouldn't stop us. Then I could change Bella. She would be for ever indebted to me. I would control her. And when she changed I would be able to use my power to gaze inside her mind, present her worst, most heart breaking fears as torture for the rest of eternity. For she had to pay for the pain she had caused me. I was a broken man, seeing my sister and my lover together. But I am broken no longer.

I would rule supreme over the Cullens. Over the Denalis. Over those stupid little hybrids.

Forks would be mine. Bella would be mine. And nothing Rosalie tried to do would stop me.

"Let her come." Tanya hissed. Anger always filling her voice. God how I wanted to destroy her. She wasn't Bella. She could never be Bella. But she was hiding me. And that was enough to keep her alive. For now at least.

"And why is that my love?" Internally, I rolled me eyes. I had to try my hardest to disguise the feeling of disgust that washed over me.

"we can take them down, you and I. And we can definitely Slaughter the little runt they decided to keep." My hand wrapped itself around her throat. Lifting her in to the air, I threw her to the wall. Paintings fell from their hooks and the shelves rattled. A small glass dome fell to the floor with a crash. How dare she. Who is she to call my Bella a runt? Who is she to think herself better?

" She is not a runt. She... Is my prize - our prize. When we capture the Cullens, we will make them watch as I turn her to a vampire. That will destroy Rosalie, her stupid little mate being turned in to one of us. Then, and only then, can we destroy the Cullen Coven completely." I whispered as Tanya Denali began to stand.

" Don't you see? That's the only way we can be together. The Cullen Coven, they don't want us to be together. They thought that by bringing Isabella to me, I would forget you. But I could never forget you my love. All I want is for us to be together. And for that to happen, Bella must become a vampire. And my family must pay the price from stopping me. "

Tanya stayed mute. Her eyes searching mine. I knew she would fall for my act of being hopelessly in love, because it had worked perfectly every time.

However this time seemed different. Her blazing gold eyes held my own with a certainty.

" You still love her. The weak little human. How? Why? What is she other than a child? One who is vulnerable. One who can not stand alone on her own two feet? What is it about her that draws you so?" Her face contorted from calm and collected to angry and hurt. But I knew she had every right to be. I had played her for a fool and she had caught me in my lies. No turning back.

" She is everything you will never be. She is my mate. My other half. My world. My everything. And that bitch Rosalie took her from me. I need her back. And I need my vengeance. I knew that being close to you would help hide me. For I knew that you had many a place with secret houses where I could reside until the time was right. You. Are. A. Fool. Tanya. And nothing more. " I hissed. Her face fell as tears began to build in her eyes. I couldn't care for I had my plan and I knew what needed to be done. Sure, it would have to happen sooner than I would like, but everything was set in place.

*Alice Cullen*

My eyes clamped shut as my movements ceased. He had a plan. He was going to kill her. He was going to kill Rosalie. And though he didn't know it, he was going to kill Bella.

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