Chapter 11

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Every Tear Has Its Cause - Chapter 11

*Bella's POV*

For two full hours Alice lectured me about safety. She brought up every single worst case scenario that could have happened. She even brought up that time I ran away from her and Jasper and almost died. Which if you ask me, isn't a fair point because I thought James had my mother so naturally I was going to sacrifice myself for my mother.

And it's not like Alice ever put herself in danger to protect Jasper. I said as much to her.

"Isabella Swan," her voice quietly controlled which made her even scarier "i put myself - as you said - in danger to protect Jasper because I - unlike you - am invincible. There are very few ways in which I could be harmed or cease existing. Whereas you - a human - could be seriously harmed by tripping. Which further proves my point that you're rather self destructive, even if you don't mean to be. You spend your time obsessing over making sure we - who are vampires no less - are safe and always end up hurting yourself in the process and then when we try to help you get better you try to resist. I dont understand you! Why can't you just care about yourself the way we do. We're family Bella and I dont think you quite realise how much it hurts us when you're hurt. Did you ever think about that?"

I barely even got a breathe before Alice began again, not leaving me any time to  contradict her. Not that I was sure I could sufficiently do so. Alice had a point.

"Do you realise how much pain Rose is in every time you get hurt and won't let her help you? Do you? Because its tears her up inside Bella. You mean the world to her and yet she can't seem to even keep you safe from yourself!"

She sighed and sank down on to the Cullens' soft couch.

"Alice im so sorry. You're right. I never thought about that. About any of it. I thought that as long as you guys were safe everyone would be OK. I never realised I was hurting you all..." i trailed off, looking with pleading brown eyes in to her hurting dark gold ones.

"I need to hunt." Was all she said as Jasper materialised in the door way. The atmosphere in the room automatically calmed down but I knew despite Jasper's manipulative powers Alice would still leave to hunt. For how long I wasnt sure.

"Will you come back soon? Please." I whispered as she flew out the door. I knew she was listening and I knew that I wouldn't get a reply from her.

"Just give her time Bella. What you did back in Alaska scared her. It scared all of us but you know how much Alice loves you. It killed her almost as much as it killed Rosalie when you showed up out there. But she'll calm down soon." Jasper's deep southern voice calmly spoke. I knew he was speaking the truth and I knew Alice wouldn't stay away for too long. But times different for humans than it is for vampires. I just hoped that Alice knew that too.

All I could do was nod at Jasper as he swiftly followed his mate out in to the woods.

I sat myself down where Alice had been only moments before and simply sat, staring at my hands and regretting almost every decision I had ever made.

Soon enough, strong, cold arms wrapped themselves tightly around me as I was lifted up and on to some ones lap. Rosalie.

I turned myself around and snuggled as close as was physically possible.

"I'm sorry Rose. Im so sorry." I whispered as tears began to fall from my eyes. I tried to blink them back and steady my breathing but it didn't work

"Shhh darling Bella its ok. You're forgiven. I forgive you. Esme forgives you. Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper forgive you. And I know that Alice forgave you before she even thought about ranting to you. Its OK love. Everything is going to be OK. Youre here with me now and you're safe. Im safe. Everyone is safe. Deep breathes love." Im not sure how long Rosalie whispered words of comfort to me but i found myself falling in to a deep sleep in her safe arms.

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