Chapter 4

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Every Tear Has Its Cause - 4
Word count: 966

*Bella Swan*

I spent the rest of Sunday with Rose and Alice. We had watched all of the Harry Potter movies. Jasper had came down half way through 'The Half Blood Prince' and handed me a hard back copy of the very first Harry Potter book, 'The Philosophers Stone'.
"You can have it if you want. I've read it at least twenty times since it came out in July 1997. When you finish that one, you can just get the others out of my room." He had said before swiftly disappearing again.
After our movie marathon, Rose drove me home while Emmett and Alice followed the car on foot. 'Just as a precaution' Alice had said. I, however, knew they were all getting paranoid. Rosalie even walked me to my bed room to make sure I didn't get ambushed (much like Alice had done when I had jumped off a cliff).
Once she had closed the door, Alice and Emmett jumped through my window to 'say goodbye'. Alice stayed through the night. Sometimes I would hear her change with Rosalie and then patrol around the house.
Emmett had also stayed until late in the night. He had stayed downstairs informing Charlie of what happened the night before.


It's Monday morning and I was getting ready for school when my Dad came up to me.
"Hey Bells, how are you feeling sweetheart?"
"I'm fine Dad. Honestly." I answered while eating my apple.
He didn't say anything else, he just kept glancing over at me, apprehension clear on his face.
"What?" I scowled, not liking the awkward tension in the room. My dad's worry was palpable.
"We decided it might be safer for a squad car to take you and one of the Cullen's to and from school. Just incase. I don't want a repeat of what happened the other night." his brown eyes held nothing but sadness. I knew he felt guilty but there's nothing he could have done. I told him as much.
" That may be true, but now that I know, I'm trying to do something to keep you safe Bella. I'm trying to protect you. " Charlie said, his eyes filling with tears.
"But Dad, a cop and a car isn't going to protect me from Edward if he decides to return. A bullet won't kill him. A cop won't be able to arrest him or take him to holding. There's no point in wasting an officers time on taking me to school and picking me up again. I'll be OK as long as I am with either the Cullens or the Quilletes." I raged. He just didn't get it. Only vampires or wolves can kill a vampire. A bullet from a gun isn't going to stop Edward from getting to me.
" Fine. Then I'll ring Jacob Black and have him accompany you and Rosalie Cullen to school and accompany you back. And no more staying at Carlisle and Esme's. I want you here, where I can keep an eye on you. Where I can keep you safe." I rolled my eyes but complied either way. I knew Rosalie, Alice and all of the Cullens would most likely be near by at night anyways so I wasn't too worried. And Jacob coming with me to school hardly changed much. He used to drive me to school on his motorbike every day when Carlisle and Esme moved the family to Brazil. So all in all, I'm not too upset with these rules set in place, but I know that it isn't  me that will be upset with it.


"What do you mean this mutt has to come to school with us?!" Rosalie all but yelled with seething rage. Her once caramel coloured eyes had turned a dark black. A colour that I knew was associated with hate and anger.
"Rose calm down, he is only walking to school with you. He isn't going to be around twenty four seven. Plus, you should be happy. Having Jacob Black around means that there's even more protection for Bella. It's not all that bad." Alice soothed. And she was right too. Having Jacob around was quite a good idea because it meant that Rose could stay close to me and 'guard' me from eminent danger all the while Jacob would be 'securing' the perimeter with the help of Jasper and Alice. Emmett, no doubt, would be coming with me and Rosalie. Why? Because he thinks it's hilarious when ever Rosalie makes public affection towards me because if how our fellow pupils react. Many are still getting used to the idea that there is a lesbian couple in the small town of Forks. Even more so, that said couple goes to their even smaller school, Forks High. No one is homophobic or nasty towards me and Rosalie, if anything, they're more curious and confused than disgusted.
There's been rumours that since me and Rose have gotten together, one of the lads in our grade was going to come out to the guy he likes at prom. No one knows if it's true for sure, but I think it would be an adorable way to come out... As long as they don't get friend zoned.
"Fine whatever. Let's go Bella. Maybe we'll leave early enough to miss dog breathe." Rosalie hissed while holding my hand.
"Good job I got here earlier isn't it blood sucker?" Jacob grinned as he walked over to us.
"well isn't this fun?" I laughed while smirking at a glowering Rose.

A:/n sorry that I forgot to update yesterday, I was busy digging trenches in order to put the foundations in for the gym me, my dad and my big sister are building. It's a lot😂

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