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Harry’s POV

“He’s still not answering me.” I sighed as I buried my head in my hands.

“Cheer up lad. Niall won’t stay mad at you too long. You were just under a lot of stress.” Louis said as he fidgeted with the flowers that Amzie’s brothers brought.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. Niall was pretty angry when you yelled at Amzie, Harry.” My mum chimed in as she combed my sister’s hair. Gemma had been getting worse all day. I looked over her jaundice skin and the tube coming out of her mouth. She was getting weaker and weaker and nothing that the doctors did seemed to help.

“Well I had better get going. It’s getting late and visiting hours are almost over. Let me know if Gemma improves.” Louis called from the door.

“Wait Louis I’ll walk out with you. I’m going to run home to get some of Gemma’s things so she will fell more comfortable when she wakes up. Harry try not to yell at anyone or blame anyone while I’m gone.” She gave me a stern look as she followed Louis out the door. Niall wasn’t the only one that was mad at me. My mum was also mad at me for blaming Amzie. I thought back to this morning wondering if I should have handled the situation differently.

“Harry Styles! Do you mind explaining?” My mum shouted as she stood in Gemma’s door way.


“I got a call from an unknown number. I just ignored the call but he left a voicemail saying that the reason that Gemma got sick is because of Amzie.” I snapped back.


“Did you ask who it was?” My mum questioned me.


“No I just came strait back to the hospital.” I spat out.


“Then how do you know that it is true? For all you know it could be some crazy fan. I thought I raised you better than to listen to rumors and lies. You of all people should know how hurtful they can be. I love Gemma just as much as you do and I want her to get better but that is no reason to blame someone else because you are scared. I just hope for your sake that the doctors can figure out what is wrong because Gemma’s best chance just walked out that door!” She yelled as she chased after Niall and Amzie.


I felt bad about the things that I said to Amzie but what was done was done. I texted her to apologize hoping that she would forgive me. I felt a ping of pain in my stomach as it growled loudly. I hadn’t eaten since this morning and I was starving. I walked down the hall to grab a snack from the vending machine.

“They don’t know what’s wrong with her. Even the head of the diagnostician department has no clue what is causing the young lady in room 207 to deteriorate like she is.” I listened as two nurses talked about Gemma.

“I’ll tell you what she needs. She needs that short little girl. The one ordering all those test. She was smart and sweet but then that ass ran her off.”  I slammed my hand against the glass as I watched the metal spring swirl as it pushed my chips forward. I turned to see the nurses glaring at me as I walked back to Gemma’s room. When I went to sit in my chair there was a small black and white box laying in the seat. I opened it to find a note and a syringe with a clear liquid.

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