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Harry’s POV


“How much longer do you think they’ll be? I’m starving.” Liam whined as he plopped down on the couch.

“I’m sure that they will be here soon.” Louis said as he made some tea. “Would you like a cuppa Harry?”

“Sure.” I replied as I flipped through the channels on the telly.

“Kaice, Niall you’re back.” Louis exclaimed. I turned around to see Amzie, Niall and an older man carrying several bags apiece.

“How much did you buy?” Zayn asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“She bought the whole store.” Niall exclaimed as he sat his bags down. “I’ll go get the rest of the bags.”

“Thank you Niall. And thank you for taking me to the store Korin.” Amzie replied as she started to take the stuff out of the bags.

“You’re welcome Madame. Until next time.” The man named Korin said with a gracious bow as he followed Niall outside.

“So what exactly are you going to cook? I’m starving.” Liam asked Amzie.

“I’m going to cook chicken spaghetti and garlic bread and homemade chocolate cake.” She replied as she continued to unpack the bags.

“I can’t wait.” I said as I walked into the kitchen to join the fun. I started to help Amzie unpack the bags and I noticed that she had bought a lot more than just food to cook. She had all kinds of snacks and other types of food.

“Okay that’s all of it.” Niall said with a sigh of relief as he sat the remaining bags on the floor. Everyone helped Amzie unpack the bags and she told us what to leave on the counter and what could be put up.

“I see that you bought all of Niall’s favorite foods.” Louis said as he unpacked the bags.

“Well…Niall said that y’all liked them too.” Amzie said as she searched through the cabinets.

“Ohh did he?” Louis said as he raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Niall. Niall immediately got the look on his face when he felt guilty about something.  “What are you looking for Amzie?”

“A pot.” Amzie replied as she turned around.

“There are pots in the cabinet to your left.” Louis replied as he stared down Niall.

“Do you need some help?” Zayn asked Amzie as she struggled to reach the cabinet.

“No I got it. Thanks though.” Amzie replied as she climbed on the counter. Even though she was standing on her tiptoes on the counter she still had a hard time reaching the top shelf. Niall started to laugh as Amzie grabbed a pot and a wooden spoon.

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