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Carter’s POV


“Who was that?” I asked uncle Niko as I slipped on a black pair of Gucci pumps.

“That was your cousin. It seems that they found them. The boys that is.” Niko said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

“Amzie called you?” I asked with a twinge of hope.

“No. It was just Kole. Why?” He asked as he kissed Avri and Skylar on the forehead. “Good bye girls. I’m going to work and I won’t see you again until the wedding.”

“Later gator!” My nieces screamed in unison as they jumped on the king sized bed.

“Is she still giving you the cold shoulder?” He asked as he shot me a look.

“Yea. She’s completely ignoring me. Lets go Niko. Be good girls and mind your mother.” I told my nieces as I grabbed my coach purse. “We’re going Serena. I’ll be back later.” I called as I walked to the elevator.

“Bye!” I heard her call as the doors shut and I pressed the lobby button. The ride down to the lobby was filled with an awkward silence. We were nearly to the lobby when Niko finally spoke up.

“So why exactly is Amzie ignoring you?” Niko asked as the numbers on the elevator wall counted down.

“I honestly don’t know. All I remember is that we were arguing about something. It wasn’t even that major. Serena tried to calm us down and told us that we were making a mountain out of a molehill.” I explained as the elevator doors opened. We walked through the lobby and out into the crowded Hong Kong street. He opened our limo door and we climbed inside.

“Well you two always did fight like an old married couple. I can remember when you were little you two would fight and you would swear that you would never speak again. It would only last a few hours tops.” He reassured me as the limo merged into traffic. “She always was a stubborn one. Trust me she’ll come to her senses.”

“I’m not so sure. She went for a run and I thought it was to just let off steam. But it turns out that I was wrong.” I said as I looked at him. He returned my gaze with his warm brown eyes and knew that he was right. She would come home when the time was right. “So do you mind telling me where you’re taking me?”

“You are going to meet one of my associates. He would like to buy one of your paintings and I am leaving.” He said with a smile.

“Leaving? Where are you leaving to?” I asked as the limo stopped.

“If I told you I’d have to kill you.” He replied with a wink and a smile. The driver opened the door and we walked towards the Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel. I stayed silent because I knew that it was better not to know anything.

“How can I help you?” The receptionist asked as we walked inside. She had a thick Asian accent that made it difficult to understand.

“Yes. We’re here to see Mr. Lee.” My uncle replied as he adjusted his sunglasses. The receptionist quickly picked up a phone started speaking in Chinese. Shortly after hanging up the phone two men in black suits exited the elevator to our right.

“These men will escort you to Mr. Lee. Have a nice day.” The receptionist said as she stood up and gestured to the men. We followed the men into the elevator and the taller of the two pressed the pent house button. The elevator ride was silent except the sound of our breathing. When the doors finally opened we were greeted by a butler that offered us champagne.

“Thank you.” I told the butler in Chinese. I was a little rusty so I hope that I said it right. Niko respectfully declined the champagne but grabbed a cigar as we sat on the leather couch. The butler and Niko had a short conversation in Chinese. They were talking to fast for me to keep up so I just sipped my champagne. I knew I should’ve paid more attention in language class.

“He said that Mr. Lee would be right out.” Niko relayed as he light up his cigar. “Sweetheart, you know you should smile more. You have a beautiful smile but you hide it behind that scowl.” He smiled at me as he stoked my cheek. I heard the sound of a door and a man walked in. He was of average height with an aged face. He wore a crème colored suit. Most liKole custom made. He sat in a chair across from us and his butler quickly rushed to his side with a cigar and a glass of champagne.

“How is the champagne Ms. Sivan? I bought it specially for our meeting.” He said as he raised his glass. I returned the gesture as he turned to Niko. “This is for you Niko. Bring a jacket it will be cold.” He handed Niko a manila envelope. Niko nodded and turned to me.

“Good bye darling. I’ll see you at the wedding.” He said to me as he kissed my cheek. I watched him enter the elevator and descend towards the lobby. I turned to Mr. Lee and could see that he was eying me.

“The champagne is divine Mr. Lee.” I said with a smile. “My associate said that you had a proposal for me?”

“Ahh yes. You see my daughter Vivian. She is turning twelve in August. And she is a big fan of your work. You see. I have several of your paintings because of her.” He said as he pointed to one of my earliest paintings that hung on the wall. “I love my daughter with all my heart and it would mean the world to her if you painted her a painting.”

“I am very expensive.” I said as I swished the champagne around in my glass.

“I can pay any price.” He said as he clasped his hands together.

“I’ll see what I can do Mr. Lee.” I gladly accepted his request as I finished my champagne. “If you don’t mind now but I must be going. I have a phone call to make.”

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