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Niall’s POV


“Okay lads, you have to be super good and quiet okay. Our friend is very sick and you can’t be loud.” I told the boys as I we rode the elevator up to the fifth floor.

“Yes we will be good.” Kole nodded as he grabbed the flowers out of my hands. “I want to give her the flowers.”

“That’s not fair! I want too give them to her!” LJ argued as he attempted to grab the flowers from Kole.

“You two stop fighting or I will tell Amzie.” I said as I raised an eyebrow. The fighting instantly stopped as the boys gave me a look. “You can give the flowers to her together.” We walked into the room and I could see Harry sleeping in a chair in the corner. Amzie was reading over something in Gemma’s binder and Harry’s mom and sister were quietly talking about shopping.

“Niall! Boy’s!” Amzie exclaimed as her face light up. Bently ran to her and she dropped the binder and picked him up and threw him in the air. “I hope you were good for Mr. Niall.”

“They were perfect angels.” I said as Kole and LJ walked up to Gemma’s side.

“You must be the famous Kole and LJ? I’ve heard so much about you.” Gemma winked as they handed her the flowers. “Are these for me?”

“Yea pretty flowers for a pretty girl.” Kole said as he winked right back at Gemma. Our laughter woke Harry who mumbled something about a purple duck.

“Well love it’s nice of you to finally wake up.” Anne said as she ruffled his hair.

“What time is it?” Harry asked in a scruffy voice.

“Time for you to go get me some pizza.” Gemma ordered. “This hospital food sucks and I’m hungry.” Harry sighed as he rubbed his temples. He looked at Amzie and back to Gemma.

“She’s doing a lot better. She can have some pizza.” Amzie reassured him as she passed Bently to me and resumed looking at Gemma’s chart again.

“Do you want to go with me?” Harry asked the older boys as he started out the door. The boys looked to Amzie for approval and ran after Harry after Amzie shewed them away. I looked to Amzie and I could see the tiredness in her eyes. She sighed as she sat Gemma’s chart down.

“If you’ll excuse me. I need to go check your latest labs Gemma.” Amzie announced as she brushed past me and walked through the door.

“So Harry has been telling me that you two sure have hit it off.” Gemma smiled from the hospital bed. Harry’s mum raised an eyebrow as she grinned at me. I couldn’t help but smile, which didn’t help my defense any.

“I barely know her.” I replied in defense. “I’m just being nice by letting her stay at my place.”

“You’re not the type of guy that is “just friends” with girls like her.” Gemma said between coughs.

“Amzie and Niall.” Anne contemplated. “They would make cute babies.”

Amzie’s POV


“Who would make cute babies?” I asked as I entered Gemma’s room.

“Me and Gemma!” Niall answered quickly as he sat in Harry’s chair. I had no idea that Gemma and Niall were a thing.

“Yea yall would. Maybe they would have your eyes Niall.” I flatly said as I read through the recent lab results. I couldn’t help but feel a ping of jealousy but I brushed it away. I wasn’t here to get in the middle of my friends relationships. I was here to fix her and at the current moment I was stuck. I had run her samples with every know toxin, allergen and poison known to man and nothing came back positive. I was getting nowhere and she was getting worse. I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat as I stared at the lab results. I tried to hide my panicked face but unfortunately Gemma had already picked up on my concern.

“Is everything alright Amzie?” She coughed as she sat up in bed. I looked around the room and waited for a sign saying that this was a dream but all I saw were worried faces.

“Umm not exactly. I just got your labs back and it seems that you have elevated creatinine and BUN levels and your LFT was not good.” I explained quietly. They looked at me with confused faces. I knew that they had no idea what I was talking about but once I said those three fatal they would start panicking.

“Amzie what does that mean?” Anne asked as she grabbed Gemma’s hand.

“It means that Gemma’s kidneys and liver are shutting down and she will soon go into multi-system organ failure. And I still don’t know what’s wrong with you.” I said to Gemma. “I am so sorry.” I exclaimed as I walked to her and gave her a hug.

“You should be sorry! You need to leave right now!” Harry yelled from the door.

“Harry don’t be so rude!” Anne exclaimed but that didn’t stop him. He walked over to me and wrapped his hand around my upper arm. Before he could drag me out of the room Gemma’s monitors started beeping rapidly and Gemma started Shaking violently. The nurses that were on call rushed us out of the room. When the nurses cleared the way and announced that we could enter the room again Harry grabbed my arm again.

“Let me go!” I ordered as I snatched my arm from his grasp.

“I want you gone!” Harry spat out. “You are the reason that Gemma is sick. I got a phone call from a man saying that he poisoned Gemma to get to you. You are the reason that she is dying. He said that she would die soon without the antidote. He said the only way that he would save Gemma is if you gave yourself to him. And I know that you wont choose to save my sister so I want you to GO AWAY because she is dying!” Harry screamed with tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry. I’m trying everything…” I tried to say but Harry cut me off.

“Get the fuck away from me and my family!” Harry yelled. I held back tears as I spun around and walked to my brothers that were sitting in the play area nearby. Had he done this? Was this my fault? Was she dying because of me?

“Come on boys we’re leaving.” I ordered as I picked up Bently and quickly walked to the elevator. As the elevator doors were closing a hand reached in and temporarily staled the elevator. It was Niall. “I can’t explain.” I mumbled as he entered the elevator.

“You don’t have to.” He replied as he took Bently from me and held my hand.

Love, Loss and Legacy [N.H.]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن