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Amzie’s POV

As I stared at Niall I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had left the apartment to get away from his dumb ass. He had accused me of lying when I clearly wasn’t and he was the last person that I wanted to see today. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked as I stepped closer to him.

“Well these are my lads and I got invited over to meet you I suppose.” He said as he hugged the one that I assumed was Gemma’s brother. “Look about earlier. I’m sorry for acting the way I did. I was a total jerk. Can we just start over?” He asked and I could tell that he was genuinely sorry.

As I thought about his proposal I looked him up and down. He was really cute and his accent was adorable. I also felt bad because it was partially my fault. I should have contacted him while he was away to let him know that I was staying at his place. “Okay. Ill forgive you on three conditions.” I replied as I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Conditions?!? Seriously?” he exclaimed.

“Hey be happy she’s forgiving you at all Niall. If you had kicked me out I wouldn’t forgive you so easily.” The boy to Niall’s right countered.

“So what are the conditions?” Niall asked as he stared at me.

“One I want to continue to live at your place.” I announced as walked closer to him.

“Okay sounds fair.” He admitted as he shook his head “Next one.”

“I want you to do my laundry.” I replied with a grin. I continued to walk closer until I was nearly right in front of him.

“You’re kidding me!” He began to protest but stopped when his friends cleared their throats. “Okay done. Last one.” He demanded as he placed his hands on his hips.

I was standing right in front of him now. I was so close that I could smell his cologne. I could feel everyone’s eyes on us but I didn’t care. I stood on my tiptoes and grabbed his face with my hands so that our eyes were on the same level. I could hear everyone take a breath as I stared into his eyes. I placed my face so close to his that the tips of our noses touched. As my lips got closer to his I let go of his face and simultaneously grabbed his hat with my right hand and said into his ear “I want your hat.”

 I’m pretty sure that everyone thought that I was going to kiss him I thought as I turned around. I replaced the sunglasses on my head with his hat. “What do you think Gemma? Do you like my new hat?” I asked as I walked away from Niall.

“Hahahah!” Gemma could not stop laughing as she examined me. “I thought that you were going to kiss him.” She exclaimed as she continued to laugh.

As I looked around the room I could tell that Niall’s friends were dumb struck and Niall’s face was beet red. That’s what he gets for calling me a liar. As I looked around the room I thought that this would be a good time to introduce my self. “As Gemma said my name is Amzie. Its very nice to meet y’all.” I said as I made eye contact with the other four boys. I couldn’t tell what they were thinking as I scanned their faces. I just hoped they like me.

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