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Amzie’s POV

I sat at my one of a kind Parnian desk. Well my father’s one of a kind Parnian desk. I had finally cleared the desk of the many papers that needed my attention and approval. The room was quiet and cold just how he liked it. I took in a deep breath. I could still fell his presence. It was like he was going to walk through the doors any moment and tell me how much he loved living in London. And how he missed me and how I should visit more. And ask when I was going to make him a grandpa.

I walked to the huge room length windows that were behind the desk. He always loved the view from this office. I looked out the window towards Big Ben.

“Daddy! Daddy!” I screamed as I tugged on his coat. “I want some ice crème!”


“But darling it’s cold outside. You don’t need ice crème.” He said as he picked me up and placed me on his shoulders. “Besides we have to meet your Uncle Luca and Uncle Raleigh soon.”


“Aww okay Daddy.” I said with a sigh as I ran my fingers through his hair. “So what are you going to get me?”


“For what love?” He asked as he took me off his shoulders.


“For my birthday silly. It’s tomorrow remember.” I said as we sat on the park bench that we always met Uncle Luca and Uncle Raleigh at.


“How could I forget? Your present will be here soon.” He said as I climbed in his lap.

“Amzie! Amzie! We missed you!” Serena and Carter screamed as they ran towards me.


“Serena! Carter!” I said with a smile on my face as I hugged my cousins. “Uncle Luca!” My uncle and my dad gave each other great big bear hugs.


“Luca! It’s been a while. Thank you for helping me pull this off.” My daddy said they sat on the bench.


“Uncle Luca. Uncle Adam. When will my daddy be back? I miss him.” Carter asked as she climbed on the bench and sat between my daddy and Uncle Luca.


“I’m right here baby!” Uncle Raleigh said from behind the bench. “I brought Bernard and Leon with me!”


“Yay!” Serena and Carter said in unison as they ran behind the bench.


“Daddy! Can I have a puppy to?” I asked.


“Well darling. I actually have a surprise for you. Close your eyes.” He commanded and I closed my eyes. “Okay you can open them.” Sitting in my daddy’s lap was a puppy.


“Is he for me?” I asked as I looked at the dog.


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