Fight: Emi vs Master Rue!

Start from the beginning

"That was a great fight. I am honored that I got to battle with you."

"Unbelievable," the announcer shouted. "After a back and forth battle, it seems that time has run out. The match ends in a tie!"

"What?!" Kira yelled. "She totally won! She had him pinned."

"Told you it would end in a tie," Rin reminded.

"If she would've had five more seconds, she would've sealed his magic and won hands down," Sting countered.

"Hey guys," Emi shouted from the ground, "don't get too upset. We both had a lot of fun."

"My wallet isn't having any fun right now," Ayame groaned.


"That was unreal!" Hisui screamed as she caught up to Emi. "You would've won if you had a little extra time. I'm so impressed."

"It wouldn't have mattered if we had extra time. In a real fight, you don't get excuses like that. I'm grateful that I was able to challenge such a powerful wizard. It doesn't matter to me that we ran out of time."

"Emi," Hisui continued, "you're the strongest wizard I've ever seen! I mean, to be able to mimic your opponent's magic like that is so cool."

"She's a very powerful wizard. I had no doubts that it would be a great match."

Emi turned to Master Rue and repeated his statement to him. She felt a tap on her shoulder, so she turned around to see Sting smiling brightly at her while holding two glasses.

"Let's drink to celebrate your match!"

Emi rolled her eyes before taking one of the glasses and walking off with him and the princess. Hisui continued to gush at Emi's abilities. Sting chuckled before pouring the drinks.

"She's pretty cool, don't ya think?"

"Are you kidding me? She's way more than cool. She's my idol!"

"Idol, huh? Hey Em, did ya hear that? You're someone's idol. Must be nice."

"You're Lector's idol," Emi stated simply.

"That doesn't count."

"Why wouldn't it?"

"Because he's my best friend."

"You can be friends with your idol."

"Doubt it."

"Well Lector seems to be doing that just fine."

"I told you he doesn't count!"

"Yes, he does."

"How can my buddy count?"

"He sees you as his idol, so therefore he counts."

"Uh, guys?" Hisui spoke up.

They both turned to the princess and apologized. Hisui giggled, and Sting raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's just," the princess spoke through her laughter, "you two didn't act like a couple this whole time, and now you're bickering like married people."

Sting rubbed the back of his head before chuckling, "We don't usually 'act like a couple' in public, so I guess that's why."

Emi nodded in agreement before she was pulled away by Kira.

"What is it? The princess was speaking to me."

"Yeah well we have a slight problem," Kira confessed as she pointed to Ayame laying on the floor. "Yame's absolutely smashed and passed out in the middle of the floor."

Emi looked at the unconscious wizard and sighed before helping Kira drag her over to a corner.

"What's going on over here?" Zack asked. "Looks like a party."

Kira explained the situation and Zack smirked before saying that he could use his Hypnosis magic to sober her up. He casted a quick spell and Ayame was back on her feet. Zack was bragging about how great of a wizard he was when Kira reminded him that Emi could've reversed it as well. He grumbled before walking away.

"Emi!" Mich yelled as he ran towards her. "I need your help."

Emi and Kira looked at him confused before following him. The princess was standing in front of Sting, who had a nervous look on his face.

"What's going on--"

"You see," Mich started slyly, "the princess wants you to have one dance with everyone from the guild. And we all elected Sting to go first."

"Um, I don't think--"

"Please Emi? Just one dance," Mich pleaded.

Sting decided to speak up from behind them, "Why are you guys pushing so hard for us to dance?"

"Because," Mich started before revealing that he had a twinkle in his eyes, "you two need to do something in public every once in a while."

"Mira and Mich are so much alike. It's kind of scary."

"Who knew there would be two adamant matchmakers," Laxus grunted.

"Well I think it's necessary," Mira defended before hearts grew in her eyes. "Besides, how can you look at this and say that they shouldn't dance."

Sting and Emi looked at Mich unimpressed before they both started to walk away.

"Oh come on!" Mich screamed. "Why is one dance so bad?"

"I don't know how to dance," Emi said in hopes of them dropping it.

Mich countered, "But you started to learn with Princess Hisui. And besides, it's just Sting. He can teach you as you go."

"Em, he's not gonna let us go until we do."

Emi groaned before following Sting to the dancefloor. Mich cheered and moved closer so that he could watch. Sting held her hand with one of his hands and rested his other on her waist before they started dancing.

"This isn't so bad, right?" Sting joked.

Sting could feel her smirk as she spoke, "You know, everyone thinks you're dancing with a guy."

The dragon slayer blushed before looking around. He breathed out in relief once he saw that nobody was paying attention. His gaze stuck when he spotted all of Phoenix Wing huddled in one spot as they excitedly watched them dance.

"Jeez. They're so adamant."

Emi turned around to see what he was looking at and laughed. She spotted the master and the princess staring at them as well.

"So what do you wanna do tonight? We have the day off tomorrow."

Sting thought for a moment before he wiggled his eyebrows at the white haired girl. Emi rolled her eyes before stepping on his foot.


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