CHAPTER 2 - Being a Silva

Start from the beginning

"What squad are you choosing?" You asked considerately. She bit her lip and lowered her head. You looked at her with worry and confusement.

"I'm joining the Black Bulls. I have no choice, Nozel nii-san already made me go there" she told me as shame was evident in her voice.

"Why is it that you seem in distraught?" You asked her and she sat down on a bench nearby as you followed suit.

"The Black Bulls are the lowest squad of them all. They're filthy, rowdy and not to mention that they have negative stars" she exclaimed.

"They seem like fun people to be with" you enthusiastically said as Noelle looked at you with surprise.

"You see, it's better to have lively people and it's also better if you go on a new environment. You're always stuck in posh and proper but wouldn't it be fun to change things up a bit?" You pointed out.

"Well yes but most of them are peasants too!" She said in an agitated voice while you laugh again.

"There's no difference whether they're weak peasants or not. What matters is if they accepted the fact that they're just lowly peasants without having a fight. You'll understand soon enough, Noelle" you told her which made her question some things.

"If you put it that ways, it seems like it's an advantage— not that I care anyways!" She defended while you get reminded of Nozel's tsundere side.

"Lady (Y/n) ... Do you think that they hate me? Especially Nozel nii-san, he's always contradicting what I do" she asked you as you wanted to feel pity. You know all too well to not pity anyone but yourself.

"I'm sure he loves you dearly, Noelle. Nozel is a type of person who doesn't know how express his emotions and thoughts very well" you said.

"And plus, he wouldn't hate a person who's a spitting image of his mother. Lady Acier Silva is truly a great person and I know that you can surpass her at one point" you encouraged.

Nozel was behind a wall hearing all what you've said from the moment you confronted his younger siblings. He followed you, wanting to apologize for his words earlier but it seems like you've already forgotten about that.

He walked away and went to his room and sat down to rest. He heard a knock on the door and it soon opened to reveal your figure.

"Pardon my intrusion" you apologized and he nodded. You stood still and stared at his captivating eyes.

"You know you should really act like a proper brother" you told him boldly.

"I am. I'm protecting her" he replied.

"I'm fully aware of that but you should be more open towards it. She's taking a lot of things in a wrong way and it's hindering her growth" you scolded.

"If she's strong, she'll make it through. The weak can stay weak, they're not needed" he said as you furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, Nozel the weak stays weak because no one was there to harness their strength. If you won't act as a proper brother then I'll act as her sister" you told him which he didn't respond to.

"You said you want to call off this engagement but it seems like you've been calling yourself a Silva in other terms" He remarked as you looked at him.

"I'll act like I belong to the Silva's until we successfully call off the engagement. We need a something urgent like a crisis for us to have an excuse to not get betrothed" you said your thoughts.

"That's true but are you sure you want to act like you belong to Silva? That also means you belong to me" He said standing up to hover over you.

"What could be bad about that?" You asked him unfazed as he forcefully slammed his palm against the wall near you. You were trapped between his strong arms and you would be lying if you didn't feel a little scared.

"Being a Silva means you'll be surrendering yourself to me" he said in a dangerously calm voice with a bit of his usual icy tone.

"You would never do anything brash , Nozel. Don't forget that I'm your childhood friend" you told him with confidence and he let go of you while muttered words you can't understand.

"I'm sorry, come again?" You said, hoping he would repeat his words. You saw him sigh and looked at the side with a slight lowered head.

"I apologize for my behaviour from earlier and now" he said while you giggled softly.

"You did change Nozel but you're still the same when it comes to apologizing" you said and he completely turned away to hide his face from you.

"I think you just need to rest, your actions says that you're sleep deprived" you said while gently pushing the eldest Silva to his bed. He laid down as told and covered his eyes with his arms.

You sat next to his tense figure and hummed a small tune . You decided to gently stroke his hair and play with it like how you used to do before. You can tell that his body was now at ease and heard his breathing pattern became more rhythmic which means that his asleep.

You felt the calm air sooth your stress aswell and felt you eyelid becoming heavier. It didn't take a few moments to let you sleep.

Noelle knocked on Nozel's door to call him for supper. She opened the door and saw you resting your back on the bed's headboard, your hand on Nozel's hair, and the other's on your lap. Nozel on the other hand was sleeping peacefully next to your lap.

Noelle had never seen his brother be so serene. Noelle thought that maybe you were the one that his brother needs . A woman that was truly capable on upholding the Silva's name.

𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒐𝒘 {Nozel x reader}Where stories live. Discover now