The Second Task

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Y/n had yet received a letter from her parents, almost as if they were avoiding the question

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Y/n had yet received a letter from her parents, almost as if they were avoiding the question. Y/n didn't care though, she was going to find out the truth during break.

Y/n and the trio had spent their day in the library trying to figure out how to solve the golden egg. They couldn't figure out a thing, every time they opened the egg, loud noises and screeching was only heard. Making everyone cover their ears in pain.

The second task was in a couple days and Harry was giving up hope on trying to solve the egg. Hermione and Y/n read nonstop about golden eggs, but nothing led them to answer.

After many unsuccessful attempts they decided to head to the courtyard, to relax. Many other students had the same idea as well because the courtyard was filled. Y/n has noticed almost everyone was wearing pins vouching for Cedric, which she thought was nice, but after seconds it would switch to 'Potter Sucks'.

"Hey you! Who gave you that pin?" She asked a random Hufflepuff. "Uh Malfoy was handing them out." Y/n rolled her eyes as she continued to walk with the group. "Draco has created these enchanted pins." She told her three friends. They all looked up seeing people laugh at Harry and the pins. "I know he's your boyfriend Y/n, but man he's a git." Ron told her and she laughed. "I'm gonna tell people to take them off, I don't know why they wore them in the first place."

The four friends continued to walk past a tree, until a familiar voice stopped them. "Why so tense Potter?" Draco shouted from above the tree. "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament." Draco jumped down and his friends surrounded him as he walked towards Harry and his friends. Y/n sighed in annoyance as she watched the scene unfold. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." Draco smirked. Harry became angry and went in front of him, "I don't give a damn Malfoy." Harry slightly pushed Draco making him groan. Hermione and Y/n looked at each other deciding if they should intervene. "He's vile and cruel. And you're pathetic." Harry told him as he walked away. "Pathetic?" Draco asked as he reached for his wand. Y/n's eyes widen, but Professor Moody quickly resolved the issue, I guess.

Professor Moody casted a spell on Draco that turned him into a white ferret. Y/n ran towards the creature kneeling in front of it. "Turn him back this isn't allowed!" She yelled as she grabbed the ferret in her hand, creasing its little head. The trio laughed at Draco being turned into a ferret, which was slightly funny to Y/n, but she cared about his safety.

Moments later Professor McGonagall came rushing towards the scene. "Is that a student?" She asked and Y/n nodded her head. She lectured Professor Moddy about not turning students into creatures, but it seemed like he didn't care. Professor McGonagall brought out her wand, changing the ferret back to Draco. He looked around confused at first, "My father will hear about this!" He warned Moody, but he brought his wand back up making Draco run away.

Y/n followed her boyfriend into the dungeons. "Are you alright?" She asked him and he rolled his eyes. "I hope he gets fired, a professor like that shouldn't have a job." He scoffed. Y/n brought her hand up to his hair trying to fix it. "You looked cute as a ferret." She mumbled and he glared at her. "Too soon?" She smirked.

Few Days Pass

It was finally time for the second task. Harry had told Y/n, Cedric helped him with the egg. It appeared the only way to hear the egg was underwater.

Y/n grabbed her coat, since it was a cold day. Her and her group of Slytherin friends walked towards black lake. "The task is underwater?" Pansy asked and Y/n nodded. "Hermione and I were trying to find ways for Harry to succeed in this task, but Professor Moody took her and Ron away. I haven't seen them since." Y/n shrugged.

The two girls linked hands as they walked up the stairs into their seats. Draco was right beside them, "Pansy don't you ever get tired of trying to steal Y/n away from me?" He rolled his eyes and Pansy raised her eyebrows. "Oh shut up, we always hold hands, you should see what we do when we're alone." Pansy smirked. Oh how she loved getting under his skin. "She's kidding Draco. Are you that bothered were hold hands?" Y/n asked, looking slightly up to her boyfriend. "I'm not bothered it's just annoying. She's annoying." He scoffed as he sat down beside her, taking Y/n's other hand. Y/n looked at both her hands, I can't believe these idiots are fighting over who gets to hold my hand.

She released her grip on both hands, "See, no favoritism. Now both of you won't hold my hand, so you don't jinx each other." Pansy chuckled and Draco rolled his eyes.

A few minutes later, the four competitors came onto the dock. They awkwardly waved to the crowd, expect for Harry. It looked like Harry was going to vomit. Draco laughed with his friends seeing Harry want to puke his guts out, "Someone's nervous, eh?" He told his friends making them laugh.

The noise of the canon beamed throughout the lake. All competitors dived into the lake trying to complete their second task.

Y/n stood there nervously waiting for any sign of Harry or Cedric. Throughout most of the task, many people couldn't see a thing, since it was underwater. "Why would they make this task underwater, we can't see a bloody thing." Draco scoffed making Y/n nod in agreement.

After a couple minutes, Fleur came out of the water looking sad. "Looks like she didn't complete the task." Y/n told her friends. Victor Krum came out of the water with a shark head, and behind him was Hermione. "Merlin! That's Hermione! That means Ron is down there too!"

Y/n stood up from her seat trying to look for Harry, Ron, or Cedric. To her surprise, Cedric came out with Cho. She continued to look at the water, but Harry didn't appear, making her worry. "Bloody hell, where are you guys?" She whispered to herself.

Two people came out of the water, gasping for air– Ron and Fleur's sister, Gabrielle. "Where's Harry?" She asked, but no one answered. She looked over the railing, trying to get a better look. "Harry!" Y/n shouted as she saw him appear. "Yes! Go Harry!" She cheered, while clapping.

Draco mentally rolled his eyes seeing Harry achieve his task. Dumbledore and many other people began to discuss Harry's placement. "In first place, Cedric Diggory! In second place Harry Potter, for saving the lives of two!" He announced. Y/n cheered loudly, while Draco shrunk into his seat.

Of course he gets second place, even though Krum finished before him, Draco thought to himself.

"I'll be right back!" Y/n told Draco happily. He nodded as he watched her run down the stairs fast and into the dock to meet her Gryffindor friends. Draco watched as she hugged them all, even Cedric.

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