The First Game

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2nd Person Point Of View:

You were in potions class talking to Pansy, who was sitting in Draco's seat. Class started in 5 minutes and he would usually come around the same time Snape did, so Pansy didn't care if she was in his seat. "Are you going to the Quidditch game today?" She asked you as she set her chin in her hand. "I'm not sure, I have a lot of assignments I need to finish." She rolled her eyes, "This is our first match of the year, you have to be there Y/n!" She was right, you hardly attended the games, maybe it was time for a change? "I'll think about it?" You told her. Before she could say anything a voice interrupted your conversation. "Think about what?" Draco asked standing near his seat. "She doesn't want to go to the game because she has assignments." Pansy said dramatically emphasizing assignments. Draco raised his eyebrow, "You have to go Y/n it's our first game, after all don't you want to support your friends?" He asked. You thought about it for a couple seconds, "I guess I could go for a bit." You sighed and Pansy clapped her hands and smiled widely. "Finally! It's going to be great, we're going to kick Ravenclaw's ass!" You laughed as you watched her get up, so Draco could sit down. "It's gonna be an easy match, after all Slytherin does have the greatest seeker of all time." Draco said confidently. You and Pansy both looked at each other and laughed.

Professor Snape entered the classroom, and all the conversations became quiet. Pansy quickly made her way to her assigned seat as Professor Snape began to discuss the reading the class would be doing for the rest of the period. You groaned, this was going to be a long class. You reached into your bag grabbing the potions textbook and opened to the page Snape said. You quickly skimmed the chapter, "The Importance of Potions."

You groaned as you began to read the chapter you have already read before. You rested your chin on your hand and continued to read. You looked up for the book and saw Draco looking at you. You didn't think much of his stare, after all you two are just friends. You raised an eyebrow and he smiled before reading his book again. You could feel your eyelids slowly becoming heavy, who wouldn't be tired? The classroom was completely silent making it easy for anyone to fall asleep. Your eyelids were completely closed, you felt someone nudge you and you opened your eyes, "Snape's gonna see you, wake up." Draco said loud enough for only you to hear. You shook your head trying to wake up.

The rest of the class consisted of you trying to keep your eyelids open and Draco constantly taping you to keep you awake. "Your assignment is to do an essay on the chapter you all just read, it will be due in 3 days." Snape told the class and everyone groaned at the essay that was just assigned. You got up putting your book away and made your way into the hall waiting for your friends. "Tired Y/n?" Draco joked and you rolled your eyes, "Honestly I don't know why I'm so tired I think I'm going to head back to my room and sleep, could you tell Pansy to wake me up after your class is done?" You asked Draco. "You aren't going to Hagrid's lesson?" You shook your head no, "I'm just gonna be sitting down anyway since I can't do anything still, might as well sleep." He nodded and you told him a quick thank you before heading to your room and going to sleep.

You quickly made your way into the dungeons, hoping no professors would notice you. You made your way into your room, dropped your bag and plopped on the bed, instantly falling asleep.

"You're so pathetic!" Pansy and Daphne laughed as they pushed your chest, making you fall down. "I can't believe we were even friends with you." Daphne continued. "You're a pathetic excuse for a witch." Turning around and seeing Blaise and Draco towering over your body. "What's wrong L/n? Cat got your tongue?" Draco questioned making everyone laugh. You looked up seeing all 4 of your friends looking down at you in disgust. Draco began to raise his wand, "Cruico!" His wand sent a stinging pain to your body. You cried out loud, but nothing could be heard. It's like your voice had complete disappeared. No one could hear your pain. Trying to get up, Pansy put her foot on your chest causing you to stay on the ground. "Avada Kedavra!" She pointed her wand as you saw the green spell hit your chest. The last thing you saw was them laughing at you.

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