The Attack

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It had been a couple weeks, every Sunday night the same guest met up at either Y/n's parents home or Malfoy Manor.

Y/n had finally seen Draco's room. It was exactly how she expected it to be. It was a dark room, his walls were empty. His bed was bigger than hers, and he had a large desk. His desk had many books and random parchment papers. He even had a journal, that he quickly hid from Y/n once she found it. For a young man, his room was very organized and smelled good. It smelled exactly like his cologne, which wasn't surprising– Draco loved to smell good.

It was the last meeting they were going to have. Christmas break had passed by rather quickly, in just two more days Draco and Y/n would go back to Hogwarts, as fourth years.

They were currently in his room, laying down on his bed. Y/n laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and smelling his cologne. During most of these meetings, they spent their time either in the library or just talking. Y/n had gotten to know more about Draco. She learned things about him that nobody knew, it made her feel special he was opening up to her.

There she laid, her eyes slowly closing as Draco softly played with her hair. Y/n wasn't able to sleep most nights and Draco knew. She was getting nightmares about a figure in a black robe, killing innocent people. She even got a nightmare about Cedric dying. That night she woke up, crying and screaming. Her home walls were way too thick for anyone to hear, so she suffered through her nightmares alone. But once she was in Draco's arms, those nightmares didn't come back for a while. She was able to finally fall asleep, in peace. The sound of Draco's breathing and his light humming, put her fast to sleep.

"Love, hey wake up." Draco softly told her, while shaking her shoulder. "Is the meeting over?" Y/n mumbling as she got up looking at him. Draco nodded his head, while his hand made his way up to her hair, moving her messy ones out of her face. She sighed, getting up and putting on her shoes and fixing her hair. She didn't want to leave, she felt safe in his arms. Draco got up as well, Y/n went over to him hugging him tightly.

"I'm scared to fall asleep." She admitted. Draco pulled away, looking into her eyes, "They are just nightmares, you have to remember they are not real. You are safe. I'll keep you safe." Y/n nodded her head slowly, "I suppose I'll see you at the train station then?" Draco nodded his head, leaning forward giving her a tender kiss.

They walked downstairs to the main door saying their goodbyes and walking out onto the long road. The car ride back home was quiet, Y/n's father or mother didn't talk.

Upon arriving to her home, Y/n's father called for her. "I know you must be confused about these meeting, but trust me darling everything will make sense soon." Y/n's faced showed no emotion, yes she was confused, but she was too exhausted to show any emotion. "Upon his arrival, everything will get better." He continued and Y/n nodded, just wanting the conversation to end. All she wanted was to get into her bathtub with hot water and just relax. "Tomorrow we will be going to the Quidditch World Cup, mostly for some business. The Malfoy's will be attending as well, be ready by 11." Her father spoke and she nodded, finally heading upstairs.

Entering her room, she quickly turned on the water for the bathtub, throwing in a muggle bathbomb. She undressed herself and sat in there. Breathing in the smell of vanilla and lavender, something that could instantly calm her down. She rested her back against the end of the tub, looking at the faucet. Y/n watched as the water ran, quickly making her daydream about the nightmare she had about Cedric.

Cedric appeared in a random graveyard, with a boy Y/n couldn't see. A man with rat-like teeth appeared, something about him looking so familiar– she just couldn't put her finger on it. He began to brew something and out of thin air, the man in her nightmares, with the black robe appeared. Many other people with masks had also appeared. She watched as the figure tortured the boy next to Cedric. Y/n watched as Cedric lifted his wand to protect the boy, but the other man was quicker. She watched as Cedric's lifeless body hit the grass, his eyes empty, he was no longer filled with color.

Changes ➵ Draco x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें