Sleeping in the Great Hall

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It had been a couple days and Draco has yet to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend. Y/N had been distancing herself from Cedric, to avoid another fight between her and Draco.

She did wish to be able to talk to Cedric, but she felt guilty lying to Draco about Cedric liking someone else. If Draco found out she lied for Cedric, how would he react?

Y/N and her friends were currently in the forest with Hagrid for his class. This lesson involved thestrals, which can only be seen by those who have encountered death. Most students couldn't see them, except for Harry. Y/N found the class a bit boring, since she couldn't see a thing. She sat on a log, Draco doing the same as they began to talk.

"What do you think they look like?" She asked her friends. "Probably like a horse, only made of bones." Pansy replied, making some of her friends shiver. "Bones? That's disgusting." Blaise said making Y/N chuckle. "They're probably really nice creatures." Y/N told him, making him shrug.

For the rest of the class Y/N spent her time looking at Harry and what he was doing. Although she couldn't see them, she could see he was petting and feeding them. So she was right, they were nice animals.

News about Sirius Black had spread around like a wildfire at Hogwarts. Many students were scared to sleep at night when they were informed he was spotted near the castle. Some parents were even considering taking their children back home. Y/N's parents did not care though, being in the Ministry during Black's escape meant they were working full time. Y/N hoped he would get caught soon, so they could fulfill their promise.

After a long day of boring classes, Y/N had finished eating dinner. The slytherin group were sitting around the fire, talking about Halloween coming up. Y/N loved Halloween, it was probably her favorite holiday. She liked how muggles would dress up and ask for candies by going door to door. She wished traditions like that happened at the castle, but not many people celebrated it.

"Sirius Black has been spotted inside the castle! Everyone needs to head to the Great Hall, immediately!" The slytherin prefect panicked. Everyone got up, rushing through the door.

For the first time in public, Draco held Y/N's hand. She looked down at their inter winded fingers, she looked up seeing if anyone noticed and they didn't. He pulled her arm gently and made their way into the corridors. Some kids were running and panicking, but Draco held his cool. He was speeding walking, but he knew never to let go of her hand. He would constantly look back or around the corridor, to make sure they were safe. Reaching the Great Hall, he let go of her hand, which bummed out Y/N. Each of them got their own sleeping bag and made their way to lay down.

 Each of them got their own sleeping bag and made their way to lay down

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Your Pov:

I got the old sleeping bag and made my way towards the group, seeing many students find a place to lay down. Why did he have to come at night? Why couldn't he come during classes?

I sighed as I sat down next to Pansy. Draco had laid next to his friends, which I didn't mind– he didn't want to make it "obvious". I roll my eyes about him being stubborn and not making it official. What's taking him so long? Don't get me wrong he is amazing, but a girl can't wait forever.

I set the bag on the floor and go inside it laying down looking at the ceiling. There is way too much noise to be able to sleep. Thank Merlin tomorrow was Saturday. I lay on my side and I see Cedric coming towards me with a huge smile. I smile back and he lays down next to me, "Need some company?" He asks and I laugh. He sets his sleeping bag on the floor and lays on it as well. Both of us, just laying down looking at each other. For a brief moment, the Great Hall became completely silent, but that was just my imagination. "This is bloody annoying and uncomfortable." I tell him trying to make the thin sleepy bag a bit more sleep-able. He chuckles, "Never in my years at Hogwarts has this happened."

"You would think with a school full of magic and dementors he wouldn't dare to come in." I sigh once again, as I lay down flat, trying to sleep. "Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" I open one of my eyes slightly and turn to him, "I don't know, I doubt I'll get any sleep here, so I might just sleep in, are you?"

He moves his arm towards his head, so his elbow is supporting him, "I might go with some friends, you're more than welcome to come." He smirks. "I'll think about it." I turn back to the ceiling, slowly falling asleep.

3rd Pov:

Y/N falls asleep after many attempts of forcefully closing her eyes. Draco was talking to his friends, he noticed Cedric had laid next to Y/N– but didn't think much of it. After all, they're just friends, right?

Draco looked over at Y/N's sleepless body, he smiled to himself. He looked up from her seeing Cedric, with the same admiration Draco had in his eyes. He was leaning on his hand, just admiring the way she was sleeping. Draco slightly raised his eyebrow, why would a friend look at another friend like that?

Jealousy was nothing new to Draco, no one could look at his girl like that. But was Y/N his girl? He had yet to ask her, so if he were to get mad– for what reason? Y/N belonged to no one. Draco knew time was running out, but he wanted his parents to know about Y/N. He wanted their approval, which shouldn't matter, but to Draco his father's approval was everything.

He always felt the need to make his father proud. Y/N being a pureblood Slytherin, with parents working in the ministry, would surely make his father proud. He was just waiting for their letter back to him. He was eager to make Y/N his. He knows how gorgeous she is and how many boys stared and admired her. He just hated people not knowing they belonged to each other. He hated the way Cedric looked at Y/N.

Why would Y/N lie to him and say he liked someone else? By the way he looks at her, everyone is the Great Hall could tell Cedric fancied her. Was Draco mad? Absolutely, but he told himself Y/N probably didn't know.

And he just hoped what he was telling himself was true.

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