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Is it really going to end like this? All Y/n did in her life was to lead to this moment? Dead with only one purpose; her father's downfall. Her skin was cold and Draco couldn't stop begging for her to come back. "Please Y/n this isn't suppose to end like this." Draco cried as he held her close for one last time. He couldn't let go of her, something about letting her go made it seem like she was actually gone – which she was. "Draco, she's gone." Pansy tried to pull him, but he resisted. "She isn't! She's suppose to be here! This isn't fair!" He punched the ground so hard, almost everyone thought he had broken his hand, but he didn't. It was however, bleeding and already bruising. Draco was angry, Y/n didn't deserve to die.

"Why are you alive and she isn't? This isn't fair." He asked Harry still sobbing. Harry looked down at his shoes feeling some sort of guilt, but this wasn't his fault either. Harry was just fortunate enough to have the resurrection stone on him. "She did this for us, all of us. She sacrificed herself for us. She knew she was the last horcrux and the only way to defeat Voldemort was for her to die. She didn't die in vain Draco, she died a hero." Harry spoke as he put his hand on Draco's shoulder.

Draco didn't reply, all he kept thinking about was the memories he had created with Y/n and the memories he wished they could have made. He regretted not telling her "I love you" more or telling her how gorgeous she looked every now and then.

Draco carried Y/n from the empty cold corridor and into the Great Hall, where other decreased people where. She was laid next to Fred, everyone was surround all of their close friends – included Tonks and Remus.

Draco had stopped crying by now, he hated showing emotions in front of everyone. He just stood there, eyes dead, and breath quivering. Everything he had hoped for in life, disappeared in a matter of seconds.

Y/n's POV:

Bellatrix raised her wand, while I stayed frozen. I would have fought harder, but I knew I didn't have the guts to do it myself. In a way, I was thankful for her.

As the green light from her wand pierced my chest, I screamed silently. The pain was unbearable. Then, everything was pitch black. I had no pain anymore, everything was over. All of the people I loved and cared for were saved.

Wait why am I still thinking? What the fuck is going on?

Author's POV:

Y/n opened her eyes slowly, slightly confused. She squinted her eyes shut for a couple seconds. The white light was way too bright for her.

"Is she waking up?" "I think so, I'm not quite sure?" She heard two male voices say. "Hey, wake up L/n." She heard a familiar voice say.

Immediately her eyes widened, "Fred?" She got up slightly, looking to her left, "Cedric?" The two boys looked at her with genuine smiles. They quickly embraced her into a group hug, "What are you guys doing here? Wait– does that mean I'm?" Y/n pulled apart from the hug.

The two boys looked at each other and back at Y/n with small sympathetic smiles. Y/n's eyes filled with sadness, "At least he's gone right?" Both boys said nothing, but nod. A part of Y/n felt sad, she didn't want to die – she wanted to be able to live her life. But she was relieved as well, everyone she loved was now safe. Even if it meant she wouldn't be able to be with the person she loved.

"So what now? We just hang out here in the afterlife?" She asked as she jumped off the white bed. Both boys laughed, making her furrow her eyebrows. "You aren't staying here," Cedric began. "You have the chance to go back." Fred finished the sentence making Y/n more confused than she already was.

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